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Last modified: 11 December 2007
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Data for CIAO 3.4 Threads

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Sorted by OBSID
OBSID Object Instrument Threads
3 Trapezium Cluster HETG/ACIS-S Multiple ACIS Spectra

29 Alpha Cen LETG/HRC-S Multiple HRC Spectra

133 PSR B0540-69 ACIS-I Barycenter Correction, Phase-binned Spectrum

139 BL Lacertae ACIS-I Improving Astrometry (with 461)

144 G21.5-0.9 HRC-I HRC-I Degap, HRC Exposure Map, Bad Pixel File (with 1557, 1843)

170 Crab Pulsar ACIS-S/HETG CC-mode Times of Arrival

315 NGC 4038/
NGC 4039
ACIS-S Image Diffuse Emission

441 Chandra Deep Field South ACIS-I Reprojecting Aspect (with 581)

459 3C 273 HETG/ACIS-S Extract Spectra & Make RMFs/ARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 460, 1198, 1800), HETG/ACIS-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Add Grating Orders, Add Grating Spectra (with 2463), Show FEF Regions, Afterglow Correction, Coadding Spectra (with 2463), PHA Background, ACIS gRMFs

460 3C 273 LETG/HRC-S LETG/HRC-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 459, 1198, 1800), HRC-S gRMFs

461 3C 273 HRC-I Improving Astrometry (with 139)

578 3C 295 ACIS-S Detecting Sources, Weighted ARFs & RMFs, Coordinates for src2 Files

581 Chandra Deep Field South ACIS-I Reprojecting Aspect (with 441)

650 GK Persei ACIS-S Create Source and Background Files

884 0235+164 ACIS-S Clean ACIS Background

1010 Capella HETG/ACIS-S Measure Grating Dispersion Distance, Order-Sorting Image

1198 3C 273 LETG/ACIS-S LETG/ACIS-S Grating Spectra & gARFs, Examine PHA2 (with 459, 460, 1800)

1447 Cas A ACIS-I Extended Source Spectra

1451 II Peg HETG/ACIS-S Color Spectrum

1463 Jupiter ACIS-S Reprojecting Coordinates

1522 Trapezium Cluster ACIS-I Using celldetect (with 578)

1557 G21.5-0.9 HRC-S HRC-S Degap, Bad Pixel File (with 144, 1843), HRC AMP_SF Correction

1703 PKS 2149-306 LETG/ACIS-S Correct Zero-order Source Position

1712 3C 273 ACIS-S Filtering Lightcurves, Destreak, Using ds9, Using Region Files, ACIS Background (with 1838), Readout Streak

1800 PKS 2155-304 LETG/HRC-I Examine PHA2 (with 459, 460, 1198)

1801 PKS 2155-304 LETG/HRC-I LETG/HRC-I Grating Spectra & gARFs

1838 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-S ACIS Data Preparation, Match Binning, True Color Image, Estimating Counts, ACIS Exposure Maps, Statistics of Images, Spectral Weights, Radial Profile, Create a PSF

1842 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-I Merging Data (with 1843), ACIS Exposure Maps (with 1843)

1843 G21.5-0.9 ACIS-I Introduction, General Data Preparation, Merging Data (with 1842), ACIS Exposure Maps (with 1842), Bad Pixel File (with 144, 1557)

2463 3C 273 HETG/ACIS-S Add Grating Spectra (with 459), Coadding Spectra (with 459)

4924 Mrk 590 ACIS-S Processing ACA Monitor Window Data

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Last modified: 11 December 2007

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