This page is for the obsolete CIAO 4.16 release. Please see the
CIAO home page for the latest release.
4th Chandra/CIAO Workshop Hands-on Session
Practical Information:
There are 12 workstations available -- DEMO1, DEMO2, ... DEMO12. With
25 people registered for the workshop, everyone will need to
work in pairs.
Users should log in as cxcguestx where x is the machine you
are on; i.e. the user on DEMO1 is cxcguest1 ... DEMO2 is cxcguest2.
The passwords will be revealed Monday afternoon.
All the accounts are already set up to run CIAO2.2.1.
On every window where you expect to run CIAO, you should simply
type ciao:
unix% ciao
Warning: Not fully tested version of Solaris
Warning: CIAO has not been fully tested on this system
CIAO configuration is complete...
CIAO version : CIAO 2.2.1 Tuesday, December 4, 2001
Proposal Toolkit version : NRA 4.0 Monday, December 10, 2001
bin dir : /soft/ciao/bin
The warning is issued because CIAO 2.2.1 has not been fully tested in
Solaris v2.8, which this machine is running.
Some useful checks:
unix% ciao -v
The current environment is already configured for:
CIAO version : CIAO 2.2.1 Tuesday, December 4, 2001
Proposal Toolkit version : NRA 4.0 Monday, December 10, 2001
bin dir : /soft/ciao/bin
unix% echo $PFILES
unix% echo $CALDB
The workspace is in /data/ciao_demo/. 15 subdirectories
have been created called cxcguest1 through cxcguest15; please work
in the one relative to your machine. A link to this location
has been set up in the home directory of each account:
unix% pwd
unix% cd workshop/
unix% pwd
Chandra data used in the analysis threads can be found in
/data/ciao_demo/threads/. A link to this location has been
set up from the workspace:
unix% pwd
unix% ls -l
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 cxcguest1 11 Nov 2 14:21 data -> ../threads/
unix% ls data/
Chips Sherpa acisletg hrcsletg
Detect acis-i hrc-i
GUIDE acis-s hrc-s
S-Lang acishetg hrciletg
The CIAO tools accept paths as part of the input file names, so it is
not necessary to copy all the data to your working directory. You may
also set up symbolic links to access the data.
We have already downloaded all the CIAO scripts.
This means that they can be called from the command line in the same manner as the CIAO tools:
unix% which ciaover
unix% ciaover
CIAO version: CIAO 2.2.1
CIAO series: CIAO2
Current directory is writeable
DM tools found in /soft/ciao/bin
DM library found in /soft/ciao/lib
If a script is missing or seems outdated, it may be downloaded from