Last modified: 18 January 2024


The source region data products can be classified as per-observation or per-stack detections. The per-observation source region files are from individual observations filtered by a rectangular region of interest around the source while the per-stack source region files are the combined per-observation files found in the bundle that the source falls on. These files are for the large part generated in the Source Properties pipeline run for each master source produced by the Master Match pipeline.

In addition to the tabulated properties for each source in the Master Sources Table, Stacked Observation Detections Table, and Per-Observation Detections Table, a number of file-based Level 3 data products are produced for each source and observation individually, in formats suitable for analysis in CIAO. These include such things as:

Source Region Level 3 Data Products

A set of source-based data products is created for each detected source region in each observation that undergoes catalog processing. The source region data products are identified by the region identifier, observation identification (ObsId) and observation interval identification (ObI), and by cycle for ACIS alternating exposure (interleaved) mode observations.

Source Region Stack Level 3 Data Products

A set of source-based data products is created for each detected source region in each observation stack that undergoes catalog processing. The stacked source region data products are identified by the detect stack identifier (detect_stack_id), denoted 〈stkpos〉, and a three digit region identifier/component number (region_id), denoted 〈stkver〉 in the file name.

How Do I Find These Data Products?

Per-observation source data products and per-stack data products for one or more observation and stack-level detections can be retrieved using CSCview. They can be selected from the Data products pane in the Results tab of CSCview (see areas highlighted in the figure), associated to one or more rows returned by the query, and by clicking on Search. The number of data products returned by CSCview as a function of the identifiers available in the rows select is determined as described in "CSCview and CSC 2.1 Help".

[CSCView query results]