Chandra Source Catalog Dictionary
The Chandra Source Catalog uses a number of specialized terms, some of which are common in X-ray astronomy data analysis, but not used elsewhere, and some of which are specific to the Chandra Observatory and CIAO.
- A
- Alternating Exposure Mode
- Aperture Model Energy Fluxes
- Aperture Total Counts
- ARF: Auxiliary Response Function (or File)
- Aspect Histogram
- B
- Black Body Model Spectral Fit
- Blocking Factor
- C
- CTI: charge transfer inefficiency
- Two-sided Confidence Limits
- D
- Deconvolved Source Extent
- Degap Correction for HRC
- Direct Flux Algorithm
- Dither
- DTCOR: dead time correction
- E
- Energy Bands
- Event
- F
- Field of View
- FITS Standard (ISO 8601) Format Time
- Flux Significance
- G
- Gain
- Grade
- GTI: Good Time Intervals
- H
- Hardness Ratio
- I
- ICRS Right Ascension and Declination
- Inter-observation
- Intra-observation
- Source Observations Table
- L
- Level 3
- Limiting Sensitivity
- Livetime
- M
- Master Sources Table
- Mission Elapsed Time
- Modified Source Region
- O
- OBI: Observation Interval
- ObsID: Observation Id
- P
- PHA: Pulse Height Amplitude
- PI: Pulse Invariant
- Position Angle
- Power Law Model Spectral Fit
- PSF Aperture Fraction
- PSF: Point Spread Function
- R
- Readout Streak
- RMF: Redistribution Matrix Function (or File)
- S
- Science Energy Bands
- Source Detection Energy Bands
- Source Detection Region
- Source Extent
- Source Position
- Source Region
- Streak Events
- T
- TGAIN: Time-dependent Gain Correction
- W
- wavdetect