Last modified: 18 January 2024

How can I map from the CSC master source name to source detection, and vice versa?

In order to associate source names to ObsIDs and detections, a CSCView query can be modified to include observation-level columns o.obsid and o.region_id. You can drag these columns from the Per-Observation Detections list in the Source Properties field of CSCView. A simple query that includes the ObsIDs and region IDs for all detections of a single source would look like this:

	      SELECT DISTINCT,o.obsid,o.region_id,m.ra,m.dec,m.err_ellipse_r0,m.err_ellipse_r1,m.err_ellipse_ang,m.significance,m.likelihood,m.likelihood_class,m.conf_flag,m.extent_flag,m.sat_src_flag,m.streak_src_flag,m.var_flag,m.var_inter_hard_flag,m.flux_aper_b,m.flux_aper_lolim_b,m.flux_aper_hilim_b,m.flux_aper_w,m.flux_aper_lolim_w,m.flux_aper_hilim_w,m.flux_aper_avg_b,m.flux_aper_avg_lolim_b,m.flux_aper_avg_hilim_b,m.flux_aper_avg_w,m.flux_aper_avg_lolim_w,m.flux_aper_avg_hilim_w,m.hard_hm,m.hard_hm_lolim,m.hard_hm_hilim,m.hard_ms,m.hard_ms_lolim,m.hard_ms_hilim,m.var_intra_index_b,m.var_intra_index_w,m.var_inter_index_b,m.var_inter_index_w,m.var_inter_hard_prob_hm,m.var_inter_hard_prob_ms,m.acis_time,m.hrc_time FROM master_source m , master_stack_assoc a , observation_source o , stack_observation_assoc b , stack_source s WHERE (( = '2CXO J182030.7-161026')) AND ( = AND (s.detect_stack_id = a.detect_stack_id and s.region_id = a.region_id) AND (s.detect_stack_id = b.detect_stack_id and s.region_id = b.region_id) AND (o.obsid = b.obsid and = and o.region_id = b.region_id)ORDER BY name ASC

Note that the per-observation properties of relevance are in bold above. The resulting table will associate the source name with each of the ObsIDs and region IDs.

For completeness, looking at the match_type property in the Master Source/Stacked Observation Detection Associations table can ensure that a particular detection is not ambiguously associated with the master source in question (and therefore also ambiguously associated with at least one additional master source). Adding the constraint a.match_type != 'a' to the query can do this—or alternatively, a.match_type = 'u' to exclude upper limits from non-detections.