Quick Search Guide: the CSC web interface
The figures have not been updated to match the CSC 2.1 display and output. However, the format of the display shuold not differ significantly from the CSC 2.0 images included below.
The Quick Search interface allows users to perform a simple search, similar to the default master-search query in CSCview, around one or more locations. The Simple Cross-Match interface is a web application that allows users to access a basic set of properties for master sources located within a specified radius around a given position or target name ("Single Cone") or multiple positions in the sky ("Crossmatch"). Additionally, the interface returns limiting sensitivity values for the searched position(s) if they are located within the footprint of CSC 2.1.
Single Cone Search
Users can search for CSC 2.1 master sources around a position specified by the values of "Right Ascension" and "Declination" expressed in decimal degrees or in the sexagesimal convention. Right Ascension can be passed as Hours Minutes Seconds (HMS), or Degrees Minutes Seconds (DMS), while Declination can only be expressed as DMS. Both accept space and commas as separators between different units. Users can also provide a source name instead of coordinates by selecting the "by name" option on the left side of the panel and filling in the "Name" field. The tool offers four options to select a specific name resolver used to associate coordinates to the source name, which can be found under the "Resolver" drop-down menu.
![[Thumbnail image: The page offers a fairly minimal interface, allowing you to enter a location (explicit or by name), the search radius, and a display option. The interface can be switched from a cone search to a crossmatch.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig1.thmb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The page offers a fairly minimal interface, allowing you to enter a location (explicit or by name), the search radius, and a display option. The interface can be switched from a cone search to a crossmatch.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig1.png)
Users can adjust the maximum angular separation, or the "Search Radius," to any value between 0 and 1 degree, 0 and 60 arcminutes, or 0 and 3600 arcseconds. Also, users can choose the unit of measure from the drop-down menu in the "Search Radius" section. In the "Display" section, users can select whether to display only the number of returned sources ("COUNT") or a specific number of sources (10, 100, 1000, or "ALL").
By clicking on the "Search" button, a new tab "Results" is created. In the "Results" tab, the upper panel "Source Properties" displays the list of CSC 2.1 sources, sorted by increasing angular separation (shown in the first column, "Separation" in arcseconds) from the searched position, with a set of measured properties from the master source table for each master source returned:
The lower panel, "Limiting Sensitivity" displays the limiting sensitivity values in the location specified by the searched coordinates or the target name. The limiting sensitivity columns returned are:
where usrid is a user identifier, and sr is the search radius in degrees.
Both panels can be minimized by clicking on the arrow symbols in their upper right corners and sorted according to the values contained in each column by clicking on the column names (one time for ascending order and two times for ascending order).
![[Thumbnail image: The page contains a "Source Properties" box which is listed as containing 356 rows although only about 13 are shown. The columns include seperation (in arcsec), name, ra, dec, the error-ellipse parameters, significance, likelihood class, and conf_flag (although more columns are accessible by scrolling the display horizontally). There is also a "Limiting Sensitivity" table listing one row, where the energy and photon flux limits for various bands, such as w and b, are displayed for the search location.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig2.thmb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The page contains a "Source Properties" box which is listed as containing 356 rows although only about 13 are shown. The columns include seperation (in arcsec), name, ra, dec, the error-ellipse parameters, significance, likelihood class, and conf_flag (although more columns are accessible by scrolling the display horizontally). There is also a "Limiting Sensitivity" table listing one row, where the energy and photon flux limits for various bands, such as w and b, are displayed for the search location.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig2.png)
The "Display Options" button allows users to choose between sexagesimal and decimal degrees representations of coordinates displayed in both panels. The "Save Source Properties" button can be selected to download the sources returned by the search in a table with one of the three formats (VOTable, TSV, or CSV) available. "Save Limiting Sensitivity" offers similar capabilities for the table of limiting sensitivity value(s).
Crossmatch Search
By selecting the "Crossmatch" tab on the "Home" page, users can upload a list of positions as a VOTable or TSV table. Clicking on "Choose file" will open a window that can be used to select the file containing the list of coordinates.
![[Thumbnail image: The page is very limited in that all you can do is upload a file and select the format of the file (VOTABLE or TSV).]](imgs/quicksearch_fig3.thmb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The page is very limited in that all you can do is upload a file and select the format of the file (VOTABLE or TSV).]](imgs/quicksearch_fig3.png)
Once selected, a new tab named "User Table Definition" will open: here, users will be asked to map properties used for the crossmatch to the names of the appropriate columns in the uploaded table: RA and DEC, source ID, Search Radius and Position Error. The last three parameters can also be set to predefined values (auto-indexing for the Object ID) or fixed values for the Search radius and Position error (search radius cannot be larger than 1 arcsecond). Units for the Search Radius and Position Error can be picked from the associated drop-down menus. As for the "Single Cone" case, the drop-down menu in the "Display" section of the tab allows users to choose whether only the number of returned sources will be displayed ("COUNT") or a predefined number of sources (10, 100, 1000 or "ALL").
![[Thumbnail image: The page contains a "Column Mapping" box which lets you select the Right Ascension and Declination columns to usem as well as provide additional information helpful in the mapping (the object identifier choice, search radius, and position error).]](imgs/quicksearch_fig4.thmb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The page contains a "Column Mapping" box which lets you select the Right Ascension and Declination columns to usem as well as provide additional information helpful in the mapping (the object identifier choice, search radius, and position error).]](imgs/quicksearch_fig4.png)
The upper panel, "Source Properties" will display the list of CSC 2.1 sources located within the search radius from the coordinates searched. The properties returned are the same as described for the "Single Cone" search with the addition of the probability, which expresses the likelihood of each crossmatch.
The lower panel, "Limiting Sensitivity" will display the limiting sensitivity values for the positions located within the footprint of CSC 2.1. As for the "Single Cone" search, the "Display Options" button allows users to choose between sexagesimal and decimal degrees representations of coordinates displayed in both panels. The "Save Source Properties" button can be selected to download the sources returned in a table in one of the three formats available (VOTable, TSV, or CSV), and "Save Limiting Sensitivity" provides similar capabilities for the table of limiting sensitivity value(s). Both panels can be minimized by clicking on the arrow symbols in their upper right corners and sorted according to the values contained in each column by clicking on the column names (one time for ascending order and two times for ascending order).
![[Thumbnail image: The page contains a "Source Properties" box which is listed as containing 10 rows. The columns include name, ra, dec, the user identifier, separation, probability, the error-ellipse parameters, and significance (although more columns are accessible by scrolling the display horizontally). There is also a "Limiting Sensitivity" table listing 32 rows, where the energy and photon flux limits for various bands, such as w and b, are displayed for each user identifier.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig5.thmb.png)
[Version: full-size]
![[Print media version: The page contains a "Source Properties" box which is listed as containing 10 rows. The columns include name, ra, dec, the user identifier, separation, probability, the error-ellipse parameters, and significance (although more columns are accessible by scrolling the display horizontally). There is also a "Limiting Sensitivity" table listing 32 rows, where the energy and photon flux limits for various bands, such as w and b, are displayed for each user identifier.]](imgs/quicksearch_fig5.png)