This page is for the obsolete Sherpa 4.16 release. Please see the Sherpa home page for the latest release.
How does Sherpa apply the BACKSCAL value recorded in the header of a spectrum file?
Like XSPEC, Sherpa recognizes the BACKSCAL header keyword in a spectrum file as having the definition put forth by HEASARC:
BACKSCAL = (THE DETECTOR AREA FROM WHICH THE SPECTRUM IS EXTRACTED) / (TOTAL DETECTOR AREA)Sherpa uses the backscale value in creating a background-subtracted source spectrum:
Background_subtracted_spectrum (cts/s) = SOURCE_COUNTS/SOURCE_EXPOSURE - BGD_COUNTS/BGD_EXPOSURE/BGD_BACKSCAL*SOURCE_BACKSCAL ,as well as in computing χ2 statistics. Also, when source and background spectra are simultaneously modeled in Sherpa, the backscale value is used in calculating a fraction of the background model-predicted counts that contribute to the source model-predicted counts.
Note that Sherpa provides functionality for setting and retrieving a backscale value within a Sherpa session, with the set_backscal and get_backscal commands.