How does Sherpa handle Level=3 PHA spectra downloaded from the Chandra Source Catalog?
Each Chandra Level=3 PHA file (pha3.fits) available in the Chandra Source Catalog contains both a source and background spectrum in separate FITS HDUs (CXC Data Model blocks). When a pha3.fits file is loaded into Sherpa with load_data or load_pha, the background spectrum is automatically recognized and read in as well, with the same filename as the source spectrum. The resulting source and background Sherpa data sets may be handled in the usual way in Sherpa.
sherpa> load_pha('acisf06402_000N022_r1269_pha3.fits.gz') read ARF file acisf06402_000N021_r1269_arf3.fits read RMF file acisf06402_000N021_r1269_rmf3.fits read background file acisf06402_000N022_r1269_pha3.fits sherpa> show_all() Data Set: 1 Filter: 0.0110-14.9431 Energy (keV) Bkg Scale: 0.0463094 Noticed Channels: 1-1024 name = acisf06402_000N022_r1269_pha3.fits.gz channel = Float64[1024] counts = Float64[1024] staterror = None syserror = None bin_lo = None bin_hi = None grouping = None quality = None exposure = 87299.461130877 backscal = 1.249834895134e-06 areascal = 1.0 grouped = False subtracted = False units = energy rate = True plot_fac = 0 response_ids = [1] background_ids = [1] RMF Data Set: 1:1 name = acisf06402_000N021_r1269_rmf3.fits detchans = 1024 energ_lo = Float64[900] energ_hi = Float64[900] n_grp = UInt64[900] f_chan = UInt32[1029] n_chan = UInt32[1029] matrix = Float64[401413] offset = 1 e_min = Float64[1024] e_max = Float64[1024] ethresh = 1e-10 ARF Data Set: 1:1 name = acisf06402_000N021_r1269_arf3.fits energ_lo = Float64[900] energ_hi = Float64[900] specresp = Float64[900] bin_lo = None bin_hi = None exposure = 87299.461130877 ethresh = 1e-10 Background Data Set: 1:1 Filter: 0.0110-14.9431 Energy (keV) Noticed Channels: 1-1024 name = acisf06402_000N022_r1269_pha3.fits channel = Float64[1024] counts = Float64[1024] staterror = None syserror = None bin_lo = None bin_hi = None grouping = None quality = None exposure = 87299.461130877 backscal = 2.6988796889782e-05 areascal = 1.0 grouped = False subtracted = False units = energy rate = True plot_fac = 0 response_ids = [1] background_ids = [] Background RMF Data Set: 1:1 name = acisf06402_000N021_r1269_rmf3.fits detchans = 1024 energ_lo = Float64[900] energ_hi = Float64[900] n_grp = UInt64[900] f_chan = UInt32[1029] n_chan = UInt32[1029] matrix = Float64[401413] offset = 1 e_min = Float64[1024] e_max = Float64[1024] ethresh = 1e-10 Background ARF Data Set: 1:1 name = acisf06402_000N021_r1269_arf3.fits energ_lo = Float64[900] energ_hi = Float64[900] specresp = Float64[900] bin_lo = None bin_hi = None exposure = 87299.461130877 ethresh = 1e-10