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Last modified: 07/26/24

CXC/ACIS Operations

Welcome to our home page. ACIS, the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer, is an instrument built by a team of scientists and engineers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Center for Space Research and the Pennsylvania State University for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. ACIS shares the Chandra focal plane with the High Resolution Camera. However, what you will find here is contact information and other resources relevant to the Chandra X-ray Observatory Center (CXC) ACIS Operations team members.

ACIS Operations Scientist On-Duty Schedule

Please consult the following table to determine the ACIS Operations scientist on-duty to contact for mission planning purposes or spacecraft emergencies:


Week Of Scientist Work Cell
Jul 22 - Jul 27 Jack Steiner 6-7988 617-680-9306
Jul 28 - Aug 3 Catherine Grant 617-253-0797 617-584-2686
Aug 4 - Aug 4 Jack Steiner 6-7988 617-680-9306
Aug 5 - Aug 11 Gregg Germain 6-1558 617-785-0976
Aug 12 - Aug 18 John ZuHone 6-1816 781-708-5004
Aug 19 - Aug 25 Jack Steiner 6-7988 617-680-9306
Aug 26 - Sep 1 Jim Francis 617-258-8258 774-270-2359
Sep 2 - Sep 8 Paul Plucinsky 6-7726 617-721-4366
Sep 9 - Sep 15 John ZuHone 6-1816 781-708-5004
Sep 16 - Sep 22 Gregg Germain 6-1558 617-785-0976
Sep 23 - Sep 29 Jack Steiner 6-7988 617-680-9306
Sep 30 - Oct 6 Catherine Grant 617-253-0797 617-584-2686
Oct 7 - Oct 13 John ZuHone 6-1816 781-708-5004
Oct 14- Oct 20 Gregg Germain 6-1558 617-785-0976
Oct 20 - Oct 27 Jack Steiner 6-7988 617-680-9306
Oct 28 - Nov 3 Jim Francis 617-258-8258 774-270-2359
Nov 4 - Nov 10 Paul Plucinsky 6-7726 617-721-4366

Contact and Leave Information

Operations Memos, Documents and Links

Non-Load Event Tracking

ACIS Thermal

ACIS Procedures


ACIS Orbital Fluence

EPHIN Orbit Thresholds

Real-Time Telemetry Links

Current MP Schedules


Shift Reports

Related ACIS and Chandra Web Sites:

Solar Cycle Info
Solar Cycle data and predictions

Solar Cycle 25 prediction article

Spacecraft IPCL Configuration and Constants

MSFC Document 1949C Telemetry Database Tables Volume 1

MSFC Document 1949C Telemetry Database Tables Volume 2

OP19 Rev C PDF

IP&CL as of May 31, 2024 - P017

Web Page Maintained by:
Gregg Germain, Paul Plucinsky, John ZuHone, & Jack Steiner
(Please feel free to send us any comments or suggestions!)

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.    Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu
Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2004. All rights reserved.