The Users' Committee represents the larger astronomical community. If you have questions or concerns about Chandra, you may contact one or more of the members listed below.
The Chandra Users Committee (CUC) exists to ensure broad-based community input to the Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) functions and provides general users with a formal mechanism for channeling suggestions and/or concerns to the CXC. It ensures that the CXC, the general users, and NASA regularly meet together to discuss the running of the CXC and the needs of Chandra users. The committee is advisory to the CXC and makes its report available to the Director.
The committee consists of 10 members representing the Chandra users community plus a few ex-officio members from NASA. The NASA members do not participate in the executive session. The committee is Chaired by one of its senior members, appointed by the CXC Director.
Members will be appointed by the Chair and CXC Director in concurrence. The principal basis for selection will be scientific and/or technical expertise. Expertise of members spans a range of scientific areas, and includes experience in observing, theory, and instrumentation, with familiarity with Chandra and X-ray astronomy a common denominator among members.
A reasonable effort will be made to achieve a committee that is representative of the variety of user institution environments (academic and other institutions); large and small organizations; geographic distribution; etc. Members will normally serve for 3 years, and membership will be rotated. The names of committee members, along with the meeting schedules, are widely disseminated so that Chandra users have the opportunity to discuss their questions and concerns with committee members before the meetings.
Members normally serve for 3 years starting with the fall meeting. The CUC has two meetings per year, with one in the spring (generally remote) and one in the fall (generally in person).