Frequently Asked Questions about ChIPS
Answers to common ChIPS questions, including explanation of often-seen warnings and error messages.
Starting ChIPS
- How do I start ChIPS?
Can I use ChIPS and Matplotlib at the same time
(13 Dec 2018)
- How do I show the ChIPS GUI?
- How do I quickly plot two columns from a file?
- How do I quickly create a contour plot of an image?
- How do I quickly display an image?
- How do I create a hardcopy version of my plot?
- How do I create a plot from ChIPS in a script?
- How do I convert my S-Lang scripts?
- How do I use or convert my CIAO 3.4 scripts?
How do I plot data from a file?
- What file formats are supported?
- How do I plot a curve from a file?
- How do I plot a histogram from a file?
- How do I create a contour plot of an image?
- How do I create a plot of an image?
- Can I read in data from a file and then plot it?
- Can I overlay contours on an image?
- Can I use a contour file created by ds9?
What objects can I change?
How do I change the appearance of an object?
- The lines are too thin (or thick); how can I change them?
- How do I change all the elements of an object to the same color?
Interacting with the ChIPS Server
Handling plots
- How do I change the limits of an axis?
- Why do my plots sometimes have padding around them?
- How do I change an axis to use a logarithmic scale?
- Can I display an axis in descending order?
- How do I add or change axis labels?
- How do I change the appearance/location of the axis labels?
- How do I change the appearance/location of the axis ticklabels?
- How do I change the format of the axis ticklabels?
- How do I add grid lines at the major or minor tick positions?
- Can I change the position or number of major or minor tick marks?
- Can I label other numbers than 1 and 10 for a log-scaled axis?
Labelling plots
- How do I add or change the plot title?
- How do I change the appearance/location of the plot title?
- How do I add or change a label in the plot?
- How do I change the appearance/location of a label in the plot?
- What coordinate system do I use for positioning labels?
- Can I add a label to the bottom right of a plot as an id?
- How do I use the same font for all the labels in a plot?