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Static Version: Mean --- Full Range

One Week Three Month One Year Five Year Full Range Min Mean Max

Delta/Yr below is a slope of the liear fitting over the data of the period. Delta/Yr/Yr is a slope of the liner fitting over the devivative data of the period. Slope listed on a linked plot is the slope computed on the last few periods of the data to show the direction of the trend, and different from that of Delta/Yr.

MSID MeanRMSDelta/YrDelta/Yr/YrUnitDescriptionLimit Violation
hconegrd1 -8.3343.32130.04 +/- 2123.55-0.00 +/- 0.00KRT31-RT32: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd2 -5.8722.06720.52 +/- 1321.75-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT31-RT41: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd3 20.9937.480-73.29 +/- 4782.730.00 +/- 0.00KRT32-RT33: OBA Cone PanelAlready Upper Red Violation
hconegrd4 15.6075.319-55.36 +/- 3400.91-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT32-RT42: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd5 -18.8647.72167.03 +/- 4936.23(4.89+/-18.32)e-4KRT33-RT34: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd6 -24.3138.03585.50 +/- 5137.80-0.02 +/- 0.01KRT33-RT43: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd7 8.6694.807-30.70 +/- 3072.82-0.00 +/- 0.00KRT34-RT35: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd8 -5.4502.33918.47 +/- 1495.12-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT34-RT43: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd9 -16.6536.36460.32 +/- 4068.45-0.00 +/- 0.00KRT35-RT36: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd10 42.12713.392-(1.49+/-85.63)e2-0.00 +/- 0.01kRT35-RT44: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd11 -0.8420.4281.51 +/- 273.490.01 +/- 0.00KRT36-RT37: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd12 -1.7260.8544.29 +/- 546.20-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT36-RT45: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd13 1.7400.906-6.42 +/- 579.150.00 +/- 0.00KRT37-RT38: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd14 -0.8840.4272.78 +/- 272.71-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT37-RT45: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd15 6.0633.582-21.59 +/- 2289.52(6.41+/-138.90)e-5KRT38-RT39: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd16 -2.3921.2138.21 +/- 775.31-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT38-RT46: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd17 11.2514.102-40.45 +/- 2622.44-(2.82+/-25.61)e-4KRT39-RT40: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd18 -8.4553.34729.80 +/- 2139.89-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT39-RT46: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd19 -4.0224.18713.55 +/- 2675.93(8.62+/-22.96)e-4KRT40-RT31: OBA Cone PanelAlready Lower Yellow Violation
hconegrd20 -15.1364.83553.02 +/- 3091.44-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT40-RT47: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd21 13.1474.388-45.85 +/- 2805.89-0.01 +/- 0.00KRT41-RT42: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd22 45.12214.400-(1.59+/-92.08)e2-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT41-RT48: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd23 -18.9306.70967.58 +/- 4289.31-(6.44+/-28.09)e-4KRT42-RT43: OBA Cone PanelAlready Upper Yellow Violation
hconegrd24 -23.1447.95882.16 +/- 5088.42-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT42-RT49: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd25 56.24618.195-(1.99+/-116.30)e20.00 +/- 0.00KRT43-RT44: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd26 -4.2141.42014.58 +/- 907.94(7.65+/-91.80)e-4KRT43-RT49: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd27 -60.50719.614(2.14+/-125.40)e2-0.00 +/- 0.00KRT44-RT45: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd28 -60.41319.608(2.13+/-125.40)e2(6.49+/-4932.00)e-6KRT44-RT50: OBA Cone PanelAlready Upper Yellow Violation
hconegrd29 0.2330.120-0.99 +/- 76.56(3.45+/-8.28)e-4KRT45-RT46: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd30 3.8431.642-13.33 +/-na-(4.36+/-51.59)e-4KRT45-RT51: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd31 4.5701.604-17.23 +/- 1025.65-(5.69+/-43.68)e-4KRT46-RT47: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd32 15.4816.153-55.04 +/- 3933.56-(6.06+/-73.31)e-4KRT46-RT52: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd33 5.2412.280-18.94 +/- 1457.410.01 +/- 0.00KRT47-RT41: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd34 10.9114.597-37.81 +/- 2939.04(8.85+/-68.63)e-4KRT47-RT52: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd35 -55.11917.943(1.96+/-114.70)e2-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT48-RT49: OBA Cone PanelAlready Upper Yellow Violation
hconegrd36 -46.98715.114(1.68+/-96.64)e2-0.03 +/- 0.06KRT48-RT53: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd37 0.0470.006-0.26 +/- 4.06-0.00 +/- 0.01KRT49-RT50: OBA Cone PanelAlready Upper Red Violation
hconegrd38 35.60612.069-(1.23+/-77.17)e2-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT49-RT55: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd39 3.7491.636-12.22 +/- 1046.01-0.00 +/- 0.00KRT50-RT51: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd40 35.55912.063-(1.22+/-77.13)e2-0.01 +/- 0.01KRT50-RT55: OBA Cone PanelAlready Lower Red Violation
hconegrd41 11.8714.517-42.70 +/- 2887.79-(8.88+/-38.10)e-4KRT51-RT52: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd42 8.1592.654-26.66 +/- 1697.18-0.00 +/- 0.01kRT51-RT54: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd43 39.45212.058-(1.40+/-77.10)e20.00 +/- 0.01KRT52-RT48: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation
hconegrd44 -7.5353.33327.27 +/- 2130.46-0.02 +/- 0.05KRT52-RT53: OBA Cone PanelNo Violation

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Data Updated: Aug 10, 2023
Last Site Modification: Sep 30, 2021