Creating an Input Spectrum for MARX and ChaRT Simulations
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Sherpa Threads (CIAO 4.17 Sherpa)
This thread shows how to use Sherpa to create the source spectrum required as input to the two available Chandra PSF simulators, MARX and the Chandra Ray Tracer, ChaRT. One of the spectral specifications needed to run a MARX or ChaRT simulation is an unconvolved spectrum file, i.e., one containing the definition of the source spectrum at the entrance aperture of the HRMA for which a PSF should be simulated. This thread steps through an example Sherpa script which can be used to create such a spectrum for input to MARX or ChaRT. MARX and ChaRT are separate PSF simulators, but note the use of ChaRT requires MARX as a second step; the ChaRT output must be projected onto the detector plane with MARX; see the ChaRT threads for details.
MARX provides a detailed ray-trace simulation of how Chandra responds to a variety of astrophysical sources and can generate standard FITS event files and images as output. It contains detailed models for Chandra's High Resolution Mirror Assembly (HRMA), the HETG and LETG gratings, and all the focal plane detectors. ChaRT traces a collection of rays through the definitive Chandra X-ray optics model which are then projected onto the detector separately via MARX.
Last Update: 16 Dec 2024 - reviewed for CIAO 4.17, revised figures, removed alternative to sherpa_contrib.marx since it is unnecessarily complicated now that the functionarlity behaves as expected.
Creating the Spectrum
The spectrum input to MARX must be in units of energy (keV) versus photon flux density (photons/cm2/s/keV), and the input to ChaRT must be in units of energy (keV) versus photon flux (photons/cm2/s). Model source spectra in Sherpa are automatically output in the required units for both interfaces, using the appropriate model command for each; and those created with the ChaRT routines contributed to Sherpa may also be used as input to ChaRT, as shown in the section "Plotting and Saving the Spectrum."
For this example, we choose to fit a source data spectrum with a one-dimensional power-law multiplied by a photoelectric absorption model:
unix% sherpa ----------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Sherpa: CXC's Modeling and Fitting Package ----------------------------------------------------- Sherpa 4.17.0 Python 3.11.6 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Oct 3 2023, 10:40:35) [GCC 12.3.0] Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information IPython 8.30.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help. IPython profile: sherpa Using matplotlib backend: tkagg sherpa> load_pha("3c273.pi") sherpa> subtract() sherpa> notice(0.4, 6.0) dataset 1: 0.00146:14.9504 -> 0.3066:6.57 Energy (keV) sherpa> set_source(xsphabs.abs1 * powlaw1d.p1) sherpa> abs1.nh = 0.07 sherpa> freeze(abs1) sherpa> guess(p1) sherpa> fit() Dataset = 1 Method = levmar Statistic = chi2gehrels Initial fit statistic = 702.549 Final fit statistic = 23.4063 at function evaluation 19 Data points = 42 Degrees of freedom = 40 Probability [Q-value] = 0.98311 Reduced statistic = 0.585158 Change in statistic = 679.143 p1.gamma 2.12432 +/- 0.0791827 p1.ampl 0.000218513 +/- 1.44618e-05
The example script above does the following:
- loads the source PHA data set "3c273.pi" into Sherpa and assigns it to default data set id=1 with load_pha;
- subtracts the background from the source data with subtract;
- restricts the energy range of the data set to 0.4-6.0 keV with notice;
- defines the unconvolved source model expression with set_source;
- freezes the photoelectric absorption model parameters so that they are not allowed to vary during the fit;
- guesses reasonable initial parameter values for the power-law model;
- fits the chosen source model to the data.
Note that the Sherpa fake_pha functionality is available for simulating a source spectrum independent of an actual data set; see the Sherpa simulation threads for details.
Plotting and Saving the Spectrum
In order to plot and save the best-fit source model spectrum to be input to ChaRT, use the functions plot_chart_spectrum and save_chart_spectrum, available in the chart contributed Sherpa package. For MARX, the functions plot_marx_spectrum and save_marx_spectrum, available in the marx contributed Sherpa package may be used.
sherpa> from sherpa_contrib.chart import *
After importing the chart_spectrum routines, the source model spectrum may be plotted in Sherpa with plot_chart_spectrum as follows, where the optional elow and ehigh values specify the minimum and maximum energies to include in the plot:
sherpa> plot_chart_spectrum() sherpa> plot_chart_spectrum(elow=1.0, ehigh=8.0)
Figure 1 shows the resulting plot.
Figure 1: A plot of the spectrum input to ChaRT
![[A plot of photon flux (photons cm-2 s-1) versus energy (keV).]](chart_spectrum.png)
![[Print media version: A plot of photon flux (photons cm-2 s-1) versus energy (keV).]](chart_spectrum.png)
Figure 1: A plot of the spectrum input to ChaRT
The source model is plotted in flux units of photons cm-2 s-1 versus energy in keV, as required by ChaRT.
The save_chart_spectrum command is used to create the output spectrum file to be input to ChaRT. In this example, we use the optional elow and ehigh arguments to restrict the output to the 1-8 keV range. If the bounds are omitted, the full energy range as determined by Sherpa is used.
sherpa> save_chart_spectrum("source_flux_chart.dat", elow=1.0, ehigh=8.0) Created: source_flux_chart.dat sherpa> quit()
The output produced by save_chart_spectrum is an ASCII file that contains three columns: the first two columns must be the lower and upper energy boundaries, in keV, and the third column is the photon flux in units of photon/cm2/sec; the values in the flux column must be >0.
unix% more source_flux_chart.dat #TEXT/SIMPLE # elo ehi spectrum 1.0 1.009999999999 1.8188423821135e-06 1.009999999999 1.019999999997 1.7889465849891e-06 1.019999999997 1.029999999996 1.7595017951804e-06 1.029999999996 1.039999999995 1.7306445484247e-06 1.039999999995 1.049999999993 1.7024994262716e-06 1.049999999993 1.059999999992 1.6749158520027e-06 1.059999999992 1.069999999990 1.6478842225815e-06 1.069999999990 1.079999999989 1.6211244927875e-06 1.079999999989 1.089999999988 1.5949101823919e-06 1.089999999988 1.099999999986 1.5694917864424e-06 ... 7.899999999057 7.909999999055 2.7001154487312e-08 7.909999999055 7.919999999054 2.6928878494830e-08 7.919999999054 7.929999999053 2.6856887037872e-08 7.929999999053 7.939999999051 2.6785178639122e-08 7.939999999051 7.949999999050 2.6713750236105e-08 7.949999999050 7.959999999049 2.6642601973627e-08 7.959999999049 7.969999999047 2.6571730816490e-08 7.969999999047 7.979999999046 2.6501136919569e-08 7.979999999046 7.989999999044 2.6430818852304e-08 7.989999999044 7.999999999043 2.6360773619755e-08
The MARX software requires the input spectrum to be in photon flux density units (photons/s/cm2/keV) and the sherpa_contrib.marx module can be used in a smiliar manner as the sherpa_contrib.chart module.
sherpa> from sherpa_contrib.marx import *
After importing the marx_spectrum routines, the source model spectrum may be plotted in Sherpa with plot_marx_spectrum as follows, where the optional elow and ehigh values specify the minimum and maximum energies to include in the plot:
sherpa> plot_marx_spectrum() sherpa> plot_marx_spectrum(elow=1.0, ehigh=8.0)
Figure 2: A plot of the spectrum input to MARX
![[A plot of photon flux density (photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1) versus energy (keV).]](marx_spectrum.png)
![[Print media version: A plot of photon flux density (photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1) versus energy (keV).]](marx_spectrum.png)
Figure 2: A plot of the spectrum input to MARX
The source model is plotted in flux density units of photons cm-2 s-1 keV-1 versus energy in keV, as required by MARX.
The save_marx_spectrum command is used to create the output spectrum file to be input to MARX. In this example, we use the optional elow and ehigh arguments to restrict the output to the 1-8 keV range. If the bounds are omitted, the full energy range as determined by Sherpa is used.
sherpa> save_marx_spectrum("source_flux_marx.dat", elow=1.0, ehigh=8.0) Created: source_flux_marx.dat sherpa> quit()
Scripting It
A script like the one used in this thread to create a source spectrum for input to MARX or ChaRT may be saved to an ASCII file—e.g.,—and executed on the command line or in a future Sherpa session as follows:
sherpa> exec(open("").read()) # within Sherpa or unix> sherpa # at the Unix command line
The Sherpa script command may be used to save everything typed on the command line in a Sherpa session:
sherpa> script(filename="sherpa.log", clobber=False)
(Note that restoring a Sherpa session from such a file could be problematic since it may include syntax errors, unwanted fitting trials, et cetera.)
You are ready to run a MARX simulation once you have created a spectrum input file like example file source_flux_chart.dat, and have chosen an exposure time for the PSF simulation.
11 Mar 2010 | original version |
13 Jul 2010 | updated for CIAO 4.2 Sherpa v2: removal of S-Lang version of thread |
06 Jan 2012 | reviewed for CIAO 4.4: updated Sherpa start-up banner |
04 Dec 2013 | reviewed for CIAO 4.6: no changes |
20 Jan 2015 | reviewed for CIAO 4.7, updated format for MARX |
09 Dec 2015 | reviewed for CIAO 4.8, updated to create input spectrum for ChaRT v2. |
25 Jan 2016 | updated to make use of fixed sherpa_contrib.chart Python module. |
22 Nov 2016 | reviewed for CIAO 4.9; note bug in get_source_plot which shows the entire source model energy grid, even when an energy range argument is applied to the function. |
29 May 2018 | reviewed for CIAO 4.10, no content change |
29 Apr 2019 | reviewed for CIAO 4.11, added information about the sherpa_contrib.marx module to generate MARX-compatible spectra. |
11 Dec 2019 | Re-ran with CIAO 4.12 to use Matplotlib rather than ChIPS for the plots. |
04 Apr 2022 | reviewed for CIAO 4.14, no content change |
06 Dec 2022 | reviewed for CIAO 4.15, no content change |
16 Dec 2024 | reviewed for CIAO 4.17, revised figures, removed alternative to sherpa_contrib.marx since it is unnecessarily complicated now that the functionarlity behaves as expected. |