ChIPS - displaying image data
ChIPS Threads (CIAO 4.11 ChIPS v1)
This thread is intended to give a simple demonstration of the support for displaying image data in ChIPS.
Last Update: 15 Dec 2015 - Updated for CIAO 4.8.
- Introduction
- Displaying an image
- Coordinate systems, axis grids and aspect ratios
- Multiple images
- Modifying image data
- Combining images and annotations
- History
- Figure 1: Basic display of a4059_chandra_bin1.fits
- Figure 2: Changing the color map and threshold of the image
- Figure 3: The ChIPS GUI
- Figure 4: Moving the tick marks
- Figure 5: Adjusting the plot
- Figure 6: Adding a label
- Figure 7: Adding a region
- Figure 8: The ChIPS GUI: attribute window
- Figure 9: Zooming in on the region
- Figure 10: Adding a color bar
- Figure 11: Displaying grid lines on an image
- Figure 12: Changing the tick format
- Figure 13: Using the logical coordinate system
- Figure 14: Using the SKY coordinate system
- Figure 15: Changing the axis limits by calling split
- Figure 16: Changing the plot aspect ratio
- Figure 17: Switching to horizontally-aligned plots
- Figure 18: Removing the data aspect ratio from a plot
- Figure 19: Four images arranged in a 2 by 2 grid
- Figure 20: Hiding the axes
- Figure 21: Changing the interpolation method
- Figure 22: Changing the color maps
- Figure 23: Adding color bars
- Figure 24: Smoothing an image
- Figure 25: Adjusting pixel values
- Figure 26: Displaying a NumPy Array
- Figure 27: Displaying a NumPy Array: adding a sky coordinate system
- Figure 28: Displaying a NumPy Array: adding a tangent-plane coordinate system
- Figure 29: Displaying a NumPy Array: using opacity to remove unwanted pixel values
- Figure 30: Overlaying a region on an image
- Figure 31: Adding a zoomed-in version of the image
The Starting ChIPS thread describes how to start ChIPS. Please see the ChIPS GUI section of that thread for information on the ChIPS GUID.
The data used in this thread is available in the chips_data.tar.gz file.
unix% ls -1 chips/image/ a4059_chandra.fits@ a4059_chandra_bin1.fits@ a4059_fov1.fits@ a4059_galex.fits@
The data used in this thread is similar to the Introduction to Contours thread.
Displaying an image
Here we use the make_figure command to display the image data for the file a4059_chandra_bin1.fits. We need to explicitly give the type of plot (i.e. "image") as an argument otherwise the data would have been displayed as a contour.
chips> make_figure("a4059_chandra_bin1.fits", "image") chips> print(info()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] (0.15,0.15) .. (0.90,0.90) Border bottom [bx1] top [bx2] left [by1] right [by2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] chips> print(get_image()) alpha = [1.0, 1.0] colormap = 3 colormap_interpolate = True colormap_size = 256 depth = 100 id = None interpolation = 0 invert_colormap = False scale_channels = True stem = None threshold = [0.0, 37.0]
The result is shown in Figure 1. When axes are created to display an image, the axis pad attribute is ignored. This differs from displaying curves, histograms and contours, which will use the default pad value of axes.
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Figure 1: Basic display of a4059_chandra_bin1.fits
By default, objects are drawn at a depth of 100, but we can change the value - and hence the order they are displayed - using the relevant set_<object> call. Here we move the image behind the axes (objects with a larger depth are drawn after lower depth items).
chips> set_image(["depth", 50])
Note that we can also change the order items are draw within a depth level using the various shuffle_<object> routines; for instance using
chips> shuffle_image(chips_back)
You can also shuffle an object by selecting it with the mouse and then using the Shuffle Object item from the right-mouse-button menu in the ChIPS window.
The depth of the objects can be found using the info_depth command, as shown below:
chips> print(info_depth()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Depth 50 image [image1 (plot1)] Depth 100 label [title (plot1)] axis [bx1 (plot1)] axis [bx2 (plot1)] axis [by1 (plot1)] axis [by2 (plot1)] axis [ax1 (plot1)] axis [ay1 (plot1)]
We now change the colormap used to display the image:
chips> set_image(["colormap", "heat"])
ChIPS includes several inbuilt color maps and the ability to load in user-defined versions. The set_image call will return an error if an invalid color map name is used, as shown below:
chips> set_image(["colormap", "a"]) chips ERROR: The colormap value (a) must be one of [red, green, blue, grayscale, rainbow, hsv, heat, cool, usercmap1, usercmap2, usercmap3]
Finally we change the display range of the data. In CIAO 4.8 ChIPS only supports a linear display range (in later examples we show how this limitation can be worked around), and we use the threshold attribute to specify the minimum and maximum range to display. We first use the dmstat tool to find the range of the data (a line starting with ! runs the rest of the line as a shell command from ChIPS and Sherpa):
chips> !dmstat a4059_chandra_bin1.fits cen- IMAGE min: 0 @: ( 3557.64 3735.09 ) max: 37 @: ( 4304.64 4127.09 ) mean: 0.6431097561 sigma: 1.0559878309 sum: 675008 good: 1049600 null: 0 chips> set_image(["threshold", [0,15]])
which results in Figure 2.
The ChIPS GUI makes it easy to manipulate your visualization; for this visualization the GUI looks like Figure 3.
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Figure 2: Changing the color map and threshold of the image
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Figure 3: The ChIPS GUI
One way to make the tick marks visible is to move them to point out of the plot, rather than into it. We do this for all the axes, which ensures that the borders also change (that is the top and right axes in this plot). The result of the following command is shown in Figure 4.
chips> set_axis("all", ["", "outside", "", "outside"])
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Figure 4: Moving the tick marks
Since the image is displayed using the WCS information in the file, it is displayed with a fixed aspect ratio; the limits shown in Figure 4 are chosen so as to retain this ratio. Note that the plot aspect ratio is unset, which means that the limits will always be chosen so that the pixels remain square but that the plot can be resized to any shape.
chips> get_data_aspect_ratio() '1:1' chips> get_plot_aspect_ratio() ''
The affect of the aspect ratio is seen below, where the Y limits are automatically changed when the X limits are adjusted. This can also be seen when using pick_limits to interactively select the region to display, where the dotted rectangle displays the region that matches the aspect ratio of the data. Further discussion of aspect ratios is left to the coordinates-systems section.
chips> get_plot_yrange() [-34.829038613354008, -34.68896175153688] chips> limits(X_AXIS, 359.3, 359.2) chips> get_plot_xrange() [359.29999999999518, 359.19999999999612] chips> get_plot_yrange() [-34.800076032076817, -34.717924293060499]
Rather than using the limits call above, we decide to use panto to re-center the image and the zoom to change the plot limits. We could have also taken advantage of the interactive capabilities of the ChIPS GUI to pan and zoom directly using the mouse.
chips> undo() chips> panto(359.255, -34.76) chips> zoom(1.5) chips> get_plot_xrange() [359.311873188108, 359.1981911210496] chips> get_plot_yrange() [-34.806678049748193, -34.713295551808372]
We now customize the plot to improve the labeling of the axes. The resulting figure is shown in Figure 5:
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Figure 5: Adjusting the plot
If we use the ra2 and dec2 formats we change the axis labeling to the form h m s and d m s (i.e. spaces as separators for the sexagesimal components).
As annotation, we add a label to the bottom-left corner of the plot. By setting the coordsys attribute we explicitly select the coordinate system for the label (if not given it would have used the current coordinate system, which is the WCS axes of the image). The PLOT_NORM system is a linear system where the bottom-left corner of the plot is (0,0) and the top-right corner is (1,1). The resulting plot is shown in Figure 6.
chips> add_label(0.1, 0.1, "Chandra", ["coordsys", PLOT_NORM, "size", 18]) chips> print(info_coordinate()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] Coord Sys ID [ds0.0.0.3] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1]
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Figure 6: Adding a label
To make sure that the label is visible in the hardcopy formats we set its color to white:
chips> set_label(["color", "white"])
The pick and get_pick routines allow you to select points on a plot and returns their coordinates; pick prints the values to the screen while get_pick returns python values about the selected points. In the following we show both commands, selecting different points in the image (as we call the routines with no arguments they only respond to one event and then return):
chips> pick() (23:57:09, -34:45:19) chips> coords = get_pick() chips> len(coords) 5 chips> coords[0] array([ 359.26755655]) chips> coords[1] array([-34.80378767]) chips> coords[2] array([2], dtype=uint32) chips> print(coords[3]) ['23:57:04'] chips> print(coords[4]) ['-34:48:14']
The pick and get_pick() display coordinate values in the format used for the axis tickformat attribute (for sexagesimal values they use the format a:b:c for any of the ra or dec options). Since get_pick returns a set of values, the formatted values are the last two elements (coords[3] and coords[4] above).
The coordinates of the mouse are always displayed in the ChIPS window title (if displayed by your window manager).
We now add another annotation to the image; this time a circle (which we approximate using a 50-sided region). The default fill color of green is changed to white, which creates Figure 7.
chips> x0 = 359.24531689 chips> y0 = -34.75232151 chips> r = 0.006 chips> add_region(50, x0, y0, r) chips> set_region(["fill.color", "white"]) chips> get_region() angle = 0.0 depth = 100 edge.color = green = 1 edge.thickness = 1.0 fill.color = white = 1 id = None opacity = 0.5 stem = None
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Figure 7: Adding a region
We remove the fill style for the region by changing the attribute to nofill:
chips> set_region(["", "nofill", "edge.color", "white", "edge.thickness", 2])
By selecting the region with the mouse, you can bring up a window to edit its properties using the Edit Region item of the right-mouse-button menu, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8: The ChIPS GUI: attribute window
As with image colormaps, an invalid fill style will cause an error listing the valid inputs:
chips> set_region(["", "a"]) chips ERROR: The fill style value (a) must be one of [nofill, solidfill, updiagonal, downdiagonal, horizontal, vertical, crisscross, brick, grid, hexagon, polkadot, flower, userfill1, userfill2, userfill3]
To complete the plot we first re-center on the cluster (actually, the region we just added) and zoom in:
chips> panto(x0, y0) chips> zoom(2)
which creates Figure 9.
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Figure 9: Zooming in on the region
Then we move the label to the top of the plot, to create the final plot (Figure 10) (note that here we move to an absolute location and that objects can only be moved using the coordinate system that they were created in). We then decide to add a colorbar to the top of the plot, so we remove the plot title and change the text displayed by the label:
chips> move_label(0.1, 0.9) chips> set_label_text("Abell 4059") chips> set_plot_title("") chips> add_colorbar(0.5, 1.05) chips> set_colorbar(["length", 0.8])
We also decide to adjust the y-axis label so that it does not overlap the central ticklabel value, and create full-page postscript and PDF formats of the visualization using:
chips> set_yaxis(["y.label.angle", 0, "label.valign", 1]) chips> print_window("makefig.pdf", ["fittopage", True]) chips> print_window("", ["fittopage", True])
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Figure 10: Adding a color bar
Coordinate systems, axis grids and aspect ratios
In this section we explore the support for displaying different coordinate systems and the use of the plot and data aspect ratios.
Displaying grid lines
We start by displaying the image and turning on the majorgrid lines, with the result being shown in Figure 11:
chips> erase() chips> f = "a4059_chandra_bin1.fits" chips> add_image(f, ["depth", 50]) chips> set_image(["colormap", "cool", "threshold", [0,15]]) chips> set_image(["invert_colormap", True]) chips> set_axis(["majorgrid.visible", True, "majorgrid.color", "orange"]) chips> zoom(0.5)
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Figure 11: Displaying grid lines on an image
The major tick positions change with the tick format, as shown in Figure 12, which was created by saying
chips> set_xaxis(["tickformat", "ra1"]) chips> set_yaxis(["tickformat", "dec1"])
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Figure 12: Changing the tick format
In CIAO 4.8, WCS axes do not support all the majortick modes that normal axes do. As an example, the following call fails:
chips> set_xaxis(["majortick.interval", 0.1]) chips ERROR: WCS axes do not support the axis mode interval. They currently only support limits and nice modes.
Coordinate systems
Now we try displaying the same image as above but this time using the logical and SKY coordinate systems rather than the EQPOS system. The coordinate systems are shown in the dmlist output below:
chips> !dmlist a4059_chandra_bin1.fits cols -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Columns for Image Block IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ColNo Name Unit Type Range 1 IMAGE[1025,1024] Int4(1025x1024) - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical Axis Transforms for Image Block IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group# Axis# 1 1,2 sky(x) = (+3557.140) +(+1.0)* ((#1)-(+0.50)) (y) (+3734.590) (+1.0) ((#2) (+0.50)) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- World Coordinate Axis Transforms for Image Block IMAGE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group# Axis# 1 1,2 EQPOS(RA ) = (+359.2482)[deg] +TAN[(-0.000136667)* (sky(x)-(+4096.50))] (DEC) (-34.7795 ) (+0.000136667) ( (y) (+4096.50))
The choice of coordinate system is made by changing the wcs attribute. First we try the logical system which uses the FITS pixel coordinates where the bottom left pixel is centered at (1,1), as shown in Figure 13.
chips> erase() chips> add_image(f, ["depth", 50, "wcs", "logical"]) chips> set_image(["threshold", [0,5]]) chips> set_image(["colormap", "rainbow"]) chips> get_data_aspect_ratio() '1:1' chips> get_plot_aspect_ratio() '' chips> limits(200, 800, 300, 700) chips> get_plot_xrange() [200.0, 800.0] chips> get_plot_yrange() [200.0, 800.0]
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Figure 13: Using the logical coordinate system
Now we try the physical coordinate system which, as the dmlist output above, is called sky:
chips> erase() chips> add_image(f, ["depth", 50, "wcs", "sky"]) chips> set_cascading_property(chips_window, "color", "black") chips> set_cascading_property(chips_window, "bgcolor", "white") chips> set_image(["invert_colormap", True, "threshold", [0,15]]) chips> add_label(3800, 4600, "Abell 4059", ["color", "darkred"])
which creates Figure 14. We use the set_cascading_property calls to change all the color attributes in the window to black and the bgcolor attributes to white. This makes the on-screen version match the hardcopy output and can be useful if you want to see how the chosen color scheme or color map looks when printed out.
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Figure 14: Using the SKY coordinate system
Aspect ratios
As previously discussed, images are created with their data aspect ratio set, as the output below shows
chips> get_data_aspect_ratio() '1:1' chips> get_plot_aspect_ratio() '' chips> get_plot_xrange() [3557.14, 4582.139999999999] chips> get_plot_yrange() [3734.09, 4759.09]
Having the data aspect ratio set means that changes to either the axis limits or plot size will automatically change the display range to enforce the ratio. This is seen below where we use the split command to add an extra plot into the frame; since the plot area has changed (the width is the same but the height is now roughly half what it was) the data displayed in the plot has changed as shown by the change in plot ranges.
chips> split(2, 1, 0.07) chips> set_cascading_property(chips_plot, "color", "black") chips> print(info_current()) Window [win1] Frame [frm4] Plot [plot2] Coord Sys [Plot Normalized] chips> get_plot_xrange("plot1") [2939.1252518375322, 5200.1547481624675] chips> get_plot_yrange("plot1") [3734.09, 4759.09]
(the plot name is used in these calls since the split call changes plot currency to the last plot it displays, as shown in the info_current output). The Y axis has remained the same and the X axis has increased to compensate. The result is Figure 15.
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Figure 15: Changing the axis limits by calling split
We now change the plot aspect ratio to be square; this changes the plot borders and the axis limits (to keep the data aspect ratio constraint). The result of the following commands is shown in Figure 16.
chips> set_plot_aspect_ratio("plot1", "1:1") chips> get_plot_xrange() [2939.1252518375322, 5200.1547481624675] chips> get_plot_yrange() [3116.0752518375325, 5377.1047481624682]
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Figure 16: Changing the plot aspect ratio
Since the limits for the first plot have changed significantly we use the limits command to get back to displaying the area covered by the image data:
chips> limits(chips_image, "image1") chips> split(1, 2, 0, 0.1)
The split call re-arranges the plots so they are now in a single row rather than column, as shown in Figure 17.
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Figure 17: Switching to horizontally-aligned plots
In the following we add the image to the second plot (as this also creates a pair of axes we need to change their color attributes to black to ensure they are visible on screen) and then remove the data aspect ratio from this plot.
chips> add_image(f, ["depth", 50, "wcs", "sky"]) chips> set_image(["invert_colormap", True, "threshold", [0,15]]) chips> set_cascading_property(chips_axis, "color", "black") chips> set_data_aspect_ratio('')
After removing the aspect ratio we change the plot currency to all and change the X axis of both plots to the range 3800 to 4200.
chips> current_plot("all") chips> limits(X_AXIS, 3800, 4200)
The result is shown in Figure 18.
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Figure 18: Removing the data aspect ratio from a plot
We can illustrate the difference in the Y ranges of the two plots using the get_plot_yrange routine. If called with no argument you will get the following error, since multiple Y axes are current:
chips> get_plot_yrange() chips ERROR: 'All' is unsupported in get operations when more than one object exists
Explicit selection of the plots - in this case by providing the name as as argument - results in:
chips> get_plot_yrange("plot1") [4046.59, 4446.59] chips> get_plot_yrange("plot2") [3063.8976959227675, 5429.282304077233]
Multiple images
In this section we create multiple plots, containing images (that happen to be the same data but could be different ones).
We start off by removing any existing ChIPS visualization and making a square window:
chips> clear() chips> add_window(8, 8, "inches")
We now use the read_file routine from the Crates moduel to load in the image and add it to the four plots created by the split call (see the creating and using multiple plots thread for more information on split):
chips> cr = read_file("a4059_chandra.fits") chips> split(2, 2) chips> current_plot("all") chips> add_image(cr)
The output of these commands is shown in Figure 19.
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Figure 19: Four images arranged in a 2 by 2 grid
The info_current command can be used to determine what objects are current. The output here is:
chips> print(info_current()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Plot [plot2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Plot [plot3] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Plot [plot4] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1]
Unlike the previous plots, here we decide to hide the axes rather than re-arrange the depth of the images, which results in Figure 20.
chips> set_plot(["style", "open"]) chips> hide_axis()
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Figure 20: Hiding the axes
We now decide to change the interpolation method used for displaying the image from its default (neighbor) to bilinear (this again is applied to all the images since the plot currency is still "all"):
chips> set_image(["interpolation", "bilinear"])
An error is called if given an unsupported method:
chips> set_image(["interpolation", "a"]) chips ERROR: The interpolation value (a) must be one of [neighbor, bilinear, bicubic]
The affect of this change can be seen by comparing Figure 20 and Figure 21.
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Figure 21: Changing the interpolation method
We now want to annotate each plot with a label. Since we plan to use the same set up for each label we write a small Python routine called al:
chips> def al(txt): "Add a label at the top of the plot" li = { "coordsys": PLOT_NORM, "size": 16, "color": "orange", "halign": 0.5 } add_label(0.5, 0.9, txt, li)
which can then be used as follows:
chips> current_plot("plot1") chips> al("grayscale") chips> current_plot("plot2") chips> set_image(["colormap", "heat"]) chips> al("heat") chips> current_plot("plot3") chips> set_image(["colormap", "cool"]) chips> al("cool") chips> current_plot("plot4") chips> set_image(["invert_colormap", "True"]) chips> al("inverted")
noting that the default plot labeling goes from left to right, then top to bottom (so "plot2" is the top-right plot).
We now want to change the scaling, so we again use dmstat, this time taking advantage of the runtool module for running CIAO tools from Python. First we need to make sure the relevant code is loaded:
chips> from ciao_contrib.runtool import dmstat
If this step fails please make sure that you have the latest version of the CIAO scripts and modules installed.
The dmstat tool can be run using the routine; here we hide the screen output and get the minimum and maximum pixel values from the out_min and out_max fields of the object (this image is binned heavily, sixteen times the pixel scale used earlier, which is why the maximum pixel value is significantly larger):
chips> dmstat("a4059_chandra.fits", centroid=False, verbose=0) chips> dmstat.out_min '0' chips> dmstat.out_max '2517'
As we want to apply the same scaling to each image, we change back to making all plots current before calling set_image:
chips> current_plot("all") chips> zoom(2) chips> set_image(["threshold", [100, 2200]])
The result is Figure 22.
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Figure 22: Changing the color maps
We now add color bars to each image, to show off support for vertical alignment:
chips> opts = {"orientation": "vertical", "length": 0.5} chips> current_plot("plot1") chips> add_colorbar(-0.05, 0.75, opts) chips> current_plot("plot3") chips> add_colorbar(-0.05, 0.25, opts) chips> current_plot("plot2") chips> add_colorbar(1.05, 0.75, opts) chips> current_plot("plot4") chips> opts["*.color"] = "black" chips> add_colorbar(0.8, 0.3, opts)
As Figure 23 shows, the color bars can be placed within a plot.
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Figure 23: Adding color bars
The color bars have a number of attributes, as shown below:
chips> get_colorbar() border.visible = True depth = 100 halign = 0.5 id = None label.angle = 270.0 label.color = black label.font = helvetica label.fontstyle = normal label.halign = -99.0 label.location = inside label.size = 12 label.text = None label.valign = -99.0 label.visible = True length = 0.5 offset.parallel = 0.0 offset.perpendicular = 5.0 orientation = 1 stem = None tick.color = black tick.length = 4 tick.location = outside tick.mode = nice = inside tick.thickness = 1.0 tick.visible = True ticklabel.angle = 0.0 ticklabel.color = black ticklabel.font = helvetica ticklabel.fontstyle = normal ticklabel.halign = -99.0 ticklabel.offset = 6 ticklabel.size = 12 ticklabel.valign = -99.0 ticklabel.visible = True valign = 0.5 width = 0.0500000007451
Modifying image data
Most of the images above were created by giving a file name to make_figure or add_image, but you can also display a Crate (e.g. Figure 19) or a NumPy array. In the following section we show several examples of this support, including modifying pixel values (e.g. smoothing) before display.
We start by loading in the utils module for Crates, provided as part of the CIAO scripts and modules package.
chips> from crates_contrib.utils import *
We now load in the image data using a Crates routine; the return value is an object which can be used to get image data, metadata or as an argument in add_image calls.
chips> cr = read_file('a4059_chandra_bin1.fits') chips> cr Crate Type: <IMAGECrate> Crate Name: IMAGE
Before we display the image, we decide to smooth it with a gaussian, using the smooth_image_crate routine:
chips> smooth_image_crate(cr, "gauss", 5) chips> add_image(cr, ["depth", 50, "colormap", "hsv"]) chips> add_colorbar(1.05, 0.5, ["orientation", "vertical"]) chips> print(info()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] (0.15,0.15) .. (0.90,0.90) Border bottom [bx1] top [bx2] left [by1] right [by2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] ColorBar [cbar1] chips> set_plot_aspect_ratio("1:1") chips> set_plot(["rightmargin", 0.15])
The result is shown in Figure 24 (the plot aspect ratio was set so that the plot would remain square when the right margin was increased).
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Figure 24: Smoothing an image
In the following we have decided that we do not want to display negative values, and so use NumPy commands to change any pixel with a value less than 0 to 0:
chips> pvals = get_piximgvals(cr) chips> pvals.min() -5.4887734982078662e-16 chips> pvals.max() 12.083261451204574 chips> pvals[pvals < 0] = 0 chips> pvals.min() 0.0
The get_piximgvals call returns a NumPy array of the data stored in the Crate. Since we did not use copy_piximgvals, this is the actual data stored in the Crate, so any changes made to the pixel values are also made to the Crate; we take advantage of this fact to change all the negative pixel values to 0 using the syntax pvals[pvals < 0] = 0. The result on the data stored in the crate can be seen with:
chips> get_piximgvals(cr).min() 0.0
An alternative would have been to copy the pixel values, edit this copy, and then store the copied values back in the crate using:
chips> pvals = copy_piximgvals(cr) chips> pvals[pvals < 0] = 0 chips> set_piximgvals(cr, pvals) 1
In the following we re-display the Crate (and hence use the adjusted pixel values). We also make several other changes, including moving the axes slightly away from the data (this is an alternative to the techniques used earlier (Figure 4) to ensure the tick marks remain visible):
chips> erase() chips> add_image(cr, ["depth", 50, "colormap", "hsv"]) chips> add_colorbar(1.05, 0.5, ["orientation", "vertical"]) chips> set_plot_aspect_ratio("1:1") chips> set_plot(["rightmargin", 0.15]) chips> set_cascading_property(chips_plot, "color", "brown") chips> move_axis(-0.05, -0.05) chips> set_plot(["style", "open"]) chips> set_axis(["tickformat", "%.2f"])
The final version is shown in Figure 25.
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 25: Adjusting pixel values
The reason for using the Crate as the argument to the add_image call is that this provides useful extra information read in from the file, in particular the WCS transformation needed to create axes of Right Ascension and Declination. An alternative is to use the pixel value array could have been used directly, as shown in Figure 26:
chips> erase() chips> opts = { "depth": 50, "colormap": "hsv" } chips> add_image(np.arcsinh(pvals), opts) chips> add_colorbar(0.5, 1.05) chips> set_image(["threshold", [0.2, 3]])
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 26: Displaying a NumPy Array
In order to display the correct WCS coordinates, we use the get_transform command to extract the transformation from the crate:
chips> sky = get_transform(cr, 'SKY') chips> print(sky.print_parameter_list()) Name: SCALE Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 1.000000, 1.000000 Desc: Scale Parent: sky Name: ROTATION Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 0.000000 Desc: Rotation Angle Parent: sky Name: OFFSET Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 3556.640000, 3734.090000 Desc: Origin Offset Parent: sky
which can then be used in the add_image call, to create Figure 27:
chips> erase() chips> opts['threshold'] = [0.2, 3] chips> add_image(np.arcsinh(pvals), opts)
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 27: Displaying a NumPy Array: adding a sky coordinate system
The same approach can be used to use the WCS coordinate system:
chips> eqpos = get_transform(cr, 'EQPOS') chips> print(eqpos.print_parameter_list()) Name: CRPIX Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 4096.500000, 4096.500000 Desc: Reference Point Pixel Coordinates Parent: EQPOS Name: CRVAL Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 359.248199, -34.779542 Desc: Center Coordinate in decimal degrees Parent: EQPOS Name: CDELT Type: dmDOUBLE Value: -0.000137, 0.000137 Desc: Transform Scale in degrees/pixel Parent: EQPOS Name: CROTA Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 0.000000 Desc: Rotation Angle Parent: EQPOS Name: EQUINOX Type: dmSHORT Value: 2000 Desc: Equinox of Coordinates Parent: EQPOS Name: EPOCH Type: dmDOUBLE Value: 2000.000000 Desc: Epoch of Coordinates Parent: EQPOS Name: CTYPE Type: dmCHAR Value: RA---TAN , DEC--TAN Desc: Coordinate Projection Type Parent: EQPOS
and we now decide to use a logarithmic scaling for the image (the warning message will not appear if you have already seen it in the ChIPS session, and can be controlled with the np.seterr routine):
chips> lvals = np.log10(pvals) /soft/ciao-4.8/ots/bin/ipython:1: RuntimeWarning: divide by zero encountered in log10 #!/usr/bin/env python
chips> lvals.min() -inf chips> lvals.max() 1.08218417262 chips> lvals[lvals > -np.inf].min() -17.436615949663771
While ChIPS will ignore NaN values it does not handle the np.inf and -np.inf as well, so we ignore these (and all other pixels with a small value) by saying
chips> lvals[lvals < -2] = -2
and the data plotted with the following, which also moves the plot, adds a colorbar below the plot, and changes the colormap to use the cubehelix color scheme, to create Figure 28:
chips> erase() chips> opts['threshold'] = [-2, 1] chips> add_image(lvals, eqpos, opts) chips> set_xaxis(['tickformat', 'ra1']) chips> set_yaxis(['tickformat', 'dec1']) chips> move_plot(0.05, 0.05, 1) chips> import chips_contrib.helix as helix chips> helix.load_colormap_cubehelix() chips> set_image(['colormap', 'usercmap1']) chips> set_preferences(['foreground.display', 'black', 'background.display', 'white']) chips> move_axis(-0.05, -0.05)
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Figure 28: Displaying a NumPy Array: adding a tangent-plane coordinate system
The red, green, and blue components of the colormap can be retrieved with the helix.get_cubehelix routine, and passed to load_colormap. In the following we also add in an array to represent the alpha value of each color; in this case all but the first are fully opaque (alpha=1), while the first value is fully transparent (alpha=0). The result is that the really-low values (i.e. those who were reset to a value of -2 above), are no longer displayed (Figure 29):
chips> (r, g, b) = helix.get_cubehelix() chips> alpha = np.ones(r.size) chips> alpha[0] = 0 chips> load_colormap(r, g, b, alpha, chips_usercmap2) chips> set_image(['colormap', 'usercmap2']) chips> set_plot(['style', 'open'])
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 29: Displaying a NumPy Array: using opacity to remove unwanted pixel values
If a colormap - one of chips_usercmap1, chips_usercmap2, or chips_usercmap3 is changed by a call to load_colormap then any images using that colormap will need to have their colormap attribute re-set for this change to affect existing images.
Combining images and annotations
In this section we will display contours of the Chandra data of Abell 4059 on top of a GALEX image of the cluster, coupled with a number of annotations. It provides an example of using the smooth_image_crate routine and converting between different display coordinate systems using the convert_coordinate command.
Before starting on the visualization we change the ChIPS preferences so that the on-screen display matches that used in the hardcopy outputs. This is an alternative to the technique used above (Figure 14).
chips> clear() chips> set_preference("foreground.display", "black") chips> set_preference("background.display", "white") chips> add_window(8,8,"inches")
We now read in the GALEX data, smooth it slightly, and display it (the threshold only covers a small range of the data since the BCG is faint here). We also adjust the color map (including inverting it), the axes, add gray grid lines and zoom into the image slightly.
chips> galex = read_file("a4059_galex.fits") chips> smooth_image_crate(galex, "gauss", 3) chips> add_image(galex, ["depth", 50, "threshold", [0,0.02]]) chips> set_image(["colormap", "heat"]) chips> set_image(["invert_colormap", True]) chips> set_xaxis(["tickformat", "ra"]) chips> set_yaxis(["tickformat", "dec"]) chips> set_axis(["majorgrid.visible", True, "majorgrid.color", "gray"]) chips> zoom(1.2)
Since the GALEX image is large, we decide to overlay the full field-of-view of the Chandra observation (observation id: 5785), where a4059_fov1.fits is the renamed fov1 file from the Chandra archive:
chips> from chips_contrib.regions import * chips> add_fov_region("a4059_fov1.fits") chips> set_region("all", ["opacity", 0.2])
which creates Figure 30.
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 30: Overlaying a region on an image
We turn off the region fill and make the edges thicker, so that they are more visible with the following command:
chips> set_region(["", "nofill", "edge.thickness", 2])
Since the GALEX image is so large, we now add a zoomed-in version of the data as a "picture in picture", by first creating a new plot and then displaying the image in it (although we use the same threshold and color map as above we decide not to invert this version). The zoom factor was chosen to dislplay just the central region covered by the Chandra data. Later on we shall add a region and lines to the main plot to visually link these plots.
chips> add_plot(0.6, 0.2, 0.85, 0.45) chips> set_plot(["style", "open"]) chips> add_image(galex, ["threshold", [0,0.02]]) chips> set_image(["colormap", "heat"]) chips> hide_axis() chips> zoom(10)
We now add in contours of the X-ray emission:
chips> add_contour("a4059_chandra.fits", ["color", "white"]) chips> set_contour(["levels", [500, 750, 1000, 2000]])
We want to finish by adding an outline to the main image indicating the area covered by the inset plot. To do this we need the coordinates of the corners of the second plot, which we can get using
chips> xr = get_plot_xrange() chips> yr = get_plot_yrange() chips> xbox = [xr[0], xr[1], xr[1], xr[0]] chips> ybox = [yr[0], yr[0], yr[1], yr[1]]
The xbox and ybox arrays give the coordinates of the four corners of the second plot in data coordinates. We also want to draw lines connecting two of these corners, so we use the convert_coordinate command to calculate the coordinates of the plot corners in the frame-normalized system using:
chips> f1 = convert_coordinate([0,0], PLOT_NORM, FRAME_NORM) chips> f2 = convert_coordinate([1,1], PLOT_NORM, FRAME_NORM) chips> f1 [ 0.60000002 0.2 ] chips> f2 [ 0.85000002 0.44999999]
So, f1 and f2 contain the coordinates of the bottom-left and top-right corners of the inset plot using the frame-normalized coordinate system. In this particular case we didn't actually need to do this calculation since the coordinates used in the add_plot call above are in the desired coordinate system!
As a reminder, the ChIPS objects that exist in the visualization are:
chips> print(info()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot1] (0.15,0.15) .. (0.90,0.90) Border bottom [bx1] top [bx2] left [by1] right [by2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Region [obsid5785-ccd2] Region [obsid5785-ccd3] Region [obsid5785-ccd5] Region [obsid5785-ccd6] Region [obsid5785-ccd7] Plot [plot2] (0.60,0.20) .. (0.85,0.45) Border bottom [bx1] top [bx2] left [by1] right [by2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Contour [ctr1] chips> print(info_current()) Window [win1] Frame [frm1] Plot [plot2] Image [image1] X Axis [ax1] Y Axis [ay1] Contour [ctr1] Coord Sys [Data] Coord Sys ID [ds3.8.13.55]
We now move back to the first image (which is in the first plot) and add a region to indicate the area covered by the inset plot:
chips> current_plot("plot1") chips> add_region(xbox, ybox, ["", "nofill"]) chips> set_region(["edge.thickness", 2, "edge.color", "black"])
We finish off by drawing lines between the top-right and bottom-left corners of the region and the inset plot. We could position these lines using the frame-normalized coordinate system, but we instead chose to use the plot-normalized system, which requires converting the f1 and f2 values calculated above -
chips> s1 = convert_coordinate(f1, FRAME_NORM, PLOT_NORM) chips> s2 = convert_coordinate(f2, FRAME_NORM, PLOT_NORM) chips> s1 [ 0.60000005 0.06666667] chips> s2 [ 0.93333339 0.39999999]
- and then finding out the plot-normalized coordinates of the region we just added:
chips> e1 = convert_coordinate([xr[0],yr[0]], DATA, PLOT_NORM) chips> e2 = convert_coordinate([xr[1],yr[1]], DATA, PLOT_NORM)
We can now add lines connecting s1 and e1 and between s2 and e2 using the following to create Figure 31:
chips> opts = ["coordsys", PLOT_NORM, "style", "shortdash"] chips> add_line(s1[0], s1[1], e1[0], e1[1], opts) chips> add_line(s2[0], s2[1], e2[0], e2[1], opts) chips> set_plot_title("plot1", "Chandra contours on GALEX image")
[Version: full-size, PNG, postscript, PDF]
Figure 31: Adding a zoomed-in version of the image
15 Dec 2010 | New for CIAO 4.3 |
15 Dec 2011 | Updated for CIAO 4.4: added an example of the new ChIPS GUI (Figure 3 and Figure 8); noted the support for opacity and alpha settings in the PDF output (Figure 7 and Figure 30). |
13 Dec 2012 | Updated for CIAO 4.5: added a link to the Using Contrib Color Loop-Up Tables thread in the caption to Figure 22. |
05 Dec 2013 | Updated for CIAO 4.6: noted the change in how non tangent-plane projection systems are handled; noted the change in behavior with axis labels and the new x.label and y.label attributes for axes; noted the change in behavior of the foreground.display and background.display background settings; added examples showing how to add coordinate transforms to a plot (Figure 27 and Figure 28) and how to use transparency to hide areas of an image (Figure 29). |
10 Dec 2014 | Updated for CIAO 4.7. |
15 Dec 2015 | Updated for CIAO 4.8. |