Bug List for CIAO 4.16
A list of bugs fixed in the CIAO release is available at the end of each bug page. Users should also check the Frequently Asked Questions for information on warnings, common errors, and other problems.
If you think you have found a bug in CIAO which is not shown here, please submit a ticket to the CXC Helpdesk describing the problem.
To help us help you, please include, where appropriate: the CIAO version (use ciaover -v), operating system, screen output (in a text format where possible), and information on what you were trying to do.
Please include the actual text input and output (e.g. using copy and paste). Do not send in screen shots of the terminal window, as they make it much harder to identify and track down the problem.
- acis_build_badpix
- acis_detect_afterglow
- acis_find_afterglow
- acis_process_events
- acisreadcorr
- acis_streak_map
- aconvolve
- addresp
- aprates
- arfcorr
- asphist
- asp_offaxis_corr
- axbary
- celldetect
- create_bkg_map
- colden
- destreak
- dmappend
- dmarfadd
- dmcoords
- dmcontour
- dmcopy
- dmdiff
- dmextract
- dmfilth
- dmgroup
- dmgti
- dmhedit
- dmhistory
- dmimgadapt
- dmimgcalc
- dmimgdist
- dmimgfilt
- dmimghull
- dmimglasso
- dmimgpm
- dmimgpick
- dmimgthresh
- dmimgreproject
- dmkeypar
- dmlist
- dmmakereg
- dmmaskbin
- dmmaskfill
- dmmerge
- dmpaste
- dmradar
- dmregrid
- dmregrid2
- dmsort
- dmstat
- dmtcalc
- dmtype2split
- eff2evt
- evalpos
- get_src_region
- glvary
- hrc_process_events
- merge_obs
- mkacisrmf
- mkarf
- mkexpmap
- mkgarf
- mkgrmf
- mkinstmap
- mkpsfmap
- mkrmf
- mkwarf
- modelflux
- pileup_map
- prop_colden, prop_precess, prop_dates
- reproject_aspect
- reproject_events
- reproject_image
- reproject_image_grid
- reproject_obs
- rmfimg
- roi
- sky2tdet
- skyfov
- srcextent
- tgdetect
- tgdetect2
- tgextract2
- tg_findzo
- tg_resolve_events
- vtpdetect
- wavdetect
- wcs_update
- wcs_match
- wrecon
ds9 and ahelp
Libraries & Modules
- Data Model , plus generic filtering, and pixel mask filtering
- parameter interface
- regions
- stack
- pycaldb4
Scripts Package
- acis_bkgrnd_lookup
- acis_clear_status_bits
- acis_fef_lookup
- acis_set_ardlib
- apply_fov_limits
- blanksky
- blanksky_image
- bkg_fixed_counts
- centroid_map
- chandra_repro
(12 12 2023)
- combine_spectra
- combine_grating_spectra
- correct_periscope_drift
- download_chandra_obsid
- ecf_calc
- energy_hue_map
- fluximage
- fullgarf
- get_fov_limits
- get_sky_limits
- gti_align
- hrc_bkgrnd_lookup
- hexgrid
- make_instmap_weights
- map2reg
- merge_obs
- merge_too_small
- multi_chip_gti
- mkregmap
- mktgresp
- obsid_search_csc
- pathfinder
- psf_contour
- reproject_obs
- search_csc
- splitobs
- srcflux
- specextract
- statmap
- tg_bkg
- reg2tgmask and tgmask2reg
- tgsplit
- vtbin