Last modified: June 2019

AHELP for CIAO 4.15


Context: contrib


Utility routines for Crates (CIAO contributed package).


import crates_contrib.utils
from crates_contrib.utils import *


The crates_contrib.utils module provides utility routines for CIAO users, and is provided as part of the CIAO contributed scripts package.

Loading the routines

The module can be loaded into a Python session (such as Sherpa, IPython, or Python script) by saying one of the following:

from crates_contrib.utils import *
from crates_contrib.all import *

where the second line will load in all the Crates contributed routines, not just the utils module.


The utils module currenly provides the following routines and classes:

Routine or Class Description
write_columns() Write out a set of arrays to a file as a table (ASCII or FITS format)
write_arrays() Write arrays to an ASCII file
make_table_crate() Create a table crate from a set of arrays
make_image_crate() Create an image crate from an array
add_colvals Add a column to a table crate
scale_image_crate() Scale the data in an image crate (useful for display purposes)
smooth_image_crate() Smooth the data in an image crate (useful for display purposes)
read_ds9_contours() Read in the contours from a DS9 *.con file with optional coordinate conversion
SimpleCoordTransform Support transformations between the different coordinate systems of an image

See the ahelp file for the routine and the contributed scripts page for further information.

Changes in the CIAO 4.6.4 (December 2014) Release

A bug has been fixed in the SimpleCoordTransform object.

Changes in the CIAO 4.6.1 (December 2013) Release

The add_keyval routine has been removed

The set_key routine from Crates should be used instead of add_keyval.


See the bugs pages for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

Refer to the CIAO bug pages for an up-to-date listing of known issues.