Last modified: December 2024

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AHELP for CIAO 4.17 Sherpa


Context: data


Return the data used by plot_bkg_source.


get_bkg_source_plot(id=None, lo=None, hi=None, bkg_id=None, recalc=True)


Example 1

Retrieve the source plot information for the background of the default data set and display it:

>>> splot = get_bkg_source_plot()
>>> print(splot)

Example 2

Return the background plot data for data set 2, and then use it to create a plot:

>>> s2 = get_bkg_source_plot(2)
>>> s2.plot()

Example 3

Create a plot of the first two background components of the 'histate' data set, overplotting the second on the first:

>>> b1 = get_bkg_source_plot('histate', bkg_id=1)
>>> b2 = get_bkg_source_plot('histate', bkg_id=2)
>>> b1.plot()
>>> b2.overplot()

Example 4

Retrieve the background source plots for the 0.5 to 7 range of the 'jet' and 'core' data sets and display them on the same plot:

>>> splot1 = get_bkg_source_plot(id='jet', lo=0.5, hi=7)
>>> splot2 = get_bkg_source_plot(id='core', lo=0.5, hi=7)
>>> splot1.plot()
>>> splot2.overplot()

Example 5

For a PHA data set, the units on both the X and Y axes of the plot are controlled by the `set_analysis` command. In this case the Y axis will be in units of photons/s/cm^2 and the X axis in keV:

>>> set_analysis('energy', factor=1)
>>> splot = get_bkg_source_plot()
>>> print(splot)


The parameters for this function are:

Parameter Type information Definition
id int or str, optional The data set that provides the data. If not given then the default identifier is used, as returned by `get_default_id` .
lo number, optional The low value to plot.
hi number, optional The high value to plot.
bkg_id int, str, or None, optional Identify the background component to use, if there are multiple ones associated with the data set.
recalc bool, optional If False then the results from the last call to `plot_bkg_source` (or `get_bkg_source_plot` ) are returned, otherwise the data is re-generated.

Return value

The return value from this function is:

source -- An object representing the data used to create the plot by `plot_bkg_source` .


See the bugs pages on the Sherpa website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

See Also

get_conf, get_conf_results, get_covar, get_covar_opt, get_covar_results, get_covariance_results, get_int_proj, get_int_unc, get_proj, get_proj_opt, get_proj_results, get_projection_results, get_reg_proj, get_reg_unc
get_chart_spectrum, get_data_prof, get_data_prof_prefs, get_delchi_prof, get_delchi_prof_prefs, get_fit_prof, get_marx_spectrum, get_model_prof, get_model_prof_prefs, get_resid_prof, get_resid_prof_prefs, get_source_prof, get_source_prof_prefs, plot_chart_spectrum, plot_marx_spectrum, prof_data, prof_delchi, prof_fit, prof_fit_delchi, prof_fit_resid, prof_model, prof_resid, prof_source
copy_data, dataspace1d, dataspace2d, datastack, delete_data, fake, get_areascal, get_arf, get_arf_plot, get_axes, get_backscal, get_bkg, get_bkg_arf, get_bkg_chisqr_plot, get_bkg_delchi_plot, get_bkg_fit_plot, get_bkg_model, get_bkg_model_plot, get_bkg_plot, get_bkg_ratio_plot, get_bkg_resid_plot, get_bkg_rmf, get_bkg_scale, get_bkg_source, get_coord, get_counts, get_data, get_data_contour, get_data_contour_prefs, get_data_image, get_data_plot, get_data_plot_prefs, get_dep, get_dims, get_error, get_exposure, get_grouping, get_indep, get_quality, get_rmf, get_specresp, get_staterror, get_syserror, group, group_adapt, group_adapt_snr, group_bins, group_counts, group_snr, group_width, load_ascii, load_data, load_grouping, load_quality, set_data, set_quality, ungroup, unpack_ascii, unpack_data
get_filter, load_filter, set_filter
calc_stat_info, get_stat_info
get_default_id, list_data_ids, list_model_ids, list_response_ids, list_stats, show_bkg_model, show_bkg_source
get_draws, get_iter_method_name, get_iter_method_opt, get_method, get_method_name, get_method_opt
add_model, add_user_pars, clean, create_model_component, delete_bkg_model, delete_model, delete_model_component, get_model, get_model_autoassign_func, get_model_component, get_model_component_image, get_model_component_plot, get_model_plot, get_num_par, get_num_par_frozen, get_num_par_thawed, get_order_plot, get_par, get_pileup_model, get_response, get_source, get_source_component_image, get_source_component_plot, get_source_contour, get_source_image, get_source_plot, image_model, image_model_component, image_source, image_source_component, integrate, link, load_table_model, load_template_interpolator, load_template_model, load_user_model, normal_sample, reset, save_model, save_source, set_bkg_model, set_bkg_source, set_full_model, set_model, set_model_autoassign_func, set_pileup_model, set_source, t_sample, uniform_sample
get_cdf_plot, get_energy_flux_hist, get_pdf_plot, get_photon_flux_hist, get_pvalue_plot, get_pvalue_results, get_split_plot, plot, plot_arf, plot_bkg, plot_bkg_chisqr, plot_bkg_delchi, plot_bkg_fit, plot_bkg_fit_delchi, plot_bkg_fit_resid, plot_bkg_model, plot_bkg_ratio, plot_bkg_resid, plot_bkg_source, plot_cdf, plot_chisqr, plot_data, plot_delchi, plot_energy_flux, plot_fit, plot_fit_delchi, plot_fit_resid, plot_model, plot_model_component, plot_order, plot_pdf, plot_photon_flux, plot_pvalue, plot_ratio, plot_resid, plot_scatter, plot_source, plot_source_component, plot_trace, set_xlinear, set_xlog, set_ylinear, set_ylog
delete_psf, get_psf, get_psf_contour, get_psf_image, get_psf_plot, load_conv, plot_kernel
save_delchi, save_error, save_filter, save_grouping, save_quality, save_resid, save_staterror, save_syserror
get_chisqr_plot, get_delchi_plot, get_prior, get_sampler, get_stat, get_stat_name
calc_chisqr, calc_data_sum, calc_data_sum2d, calc_energy_flux, calc_ftest, calc_kcorr, calc_mlr, calc_model_sum, calc_model_sum2d, calc_photon_flux, calc_source_sum, calc_source_sum2d, calc_stat, eqwidth, get_analysis, get_rate
contour, contour_data, contour_model, contour_ratio, contour_resid, histogram1d, histogram2d, image_data, image_getregion, rebin