The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of imaging data.
The get_data_prof_prefs() command returns the preferences for plots of data created by the prof_data(), prof_fit(), prof_fit_resid(), and prof_fit_delchi() commands. Changing the values will not change existing plots, only new plots created after the change was made. For example
sherpa> get_data_prof_prefs()["xlog"] = True
will cause any new plots to use logarithmic scaling for the X axis.
Loading the routine
The routine can be loaded into Sherpa by saying:
from sherpa_contrib.profiles import *
sherpa> prefs = get_data_prof_prefs() sherpa> prefs["xlog"] = True sherpa> prefs["ylog"] = True sherpa> prefs["yerrorbars"] = False sherpa> prefs["marker"] = 'o' sherpa> prefs["markerfacecolor"] = 'none' sherpa> prof_data() sherpa> prof_fit()
The preferences are set so that:
- both the x and y axes are to be drawn using log scaling;
- symbol are drawn as unfilled circles;
- and the y errorbars are turned off.
Setting the get_data_prof_prefs values only affects plots made after the change; to change an existing plot you need to use Matplotlib commands such as xscale() and yscale(). Note that the data preferences are also used when creating the "fit" plot, so this plot will also use the new preference settings.
See the bugs pages on the Sherpa website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.
See Also
- contrib
- get_data_prof, get_delchi_prof, get_delchi_prof_prefs, get_fit_prof, get_model_prof, get_model_prof_prefs, get_resid_prof, get_resid_prof_prefs, get_source_prof, get_source_prof_prefs, plot_chart_spectrum, plot_marx_spectrum, prof_data, prof_delchi, prof_fit, prof_fit_delchi, prof_fit_resid, prof_model, prof_resid, prof_source, sherpa_profiles
- data
- get_arf_plot, get_bkg_chisqr_plot, get_bkg_delchi_plot, get_bkg_fit_plot, get_bkg_model_plot, get_bkg_plot, get_bkg_ratio_plot, get_bkg_resid_plot, get_bkg_source_plot
- modeling
- normal_sample, t_sample, uniform_sample
- plotting
- get_cdf_plot, get_energy_flux_hist, get_pdf_plot, get_photon_flux_hist, get_pvalue_plot, get_pvalue_results, get_split_plot, plot, plot_arf, plot_bkg, plot_bkg_chisqr, plot_bkg_delchi, plot_bkg_fit, plot_bkg_fit_delchi, plot_bkg_fit_resid, plot_bkg_model, plot_bkg_ratio, plot_bkg_resid, plot_bkg_source, plot_cdf, plot_chisqr, plot_data, plot_delchi, plot_energy_flux, plot_fit, plot_fit_delchi, plot_fit_resid, plot_model, plot_model_component, plot_order, plot_pdf, plot_photon_flux, plot_pvalue, plot_ratio, plot_resid, plot_scatter, plot_source, plot_source_component, plot_trace, set_xlinear, set_xlog, set_ylinear, set_ylog
- psfs
- plot_kernel
- statistics
- get_chisqr_plot, get_delchi_plot
- visualization
- contour_resid