Last modified: December 2023

AHELP for CIAO 4.16 Sherpa


Context: data


Create an RMF.


create_rmf(rmflo, rmfhi, startchan=1, e_min=None, e_max=None,
ethresh=None, fname=None, name='delta-rmf')

rmflo - array
rmfhi - array
startchan - int, optional
e_min - None or array, optional
e_max - None or array, optional
ethresh - number or None, optional
fname - None or str, optional
name - str, optional


If fname is set to `None` then this creats a "perfect" RMF, which has a delta-function response (so each channel uniquely maps to a single energy bin), otherwise the RMF is taken from the image data stored in the file pointed to by `fname` .


The parameters for this function are:

Parameter Definition
rmflo The energy bins (low and high, in keV) for the RMF. It is assumed that emfhi_i > rmflo_i, rmflo_j > 0, that the energy bins are either ascending, so rmflo_i+1 > rmflo_i or descending (rmflo_i+1 < rmflo_i), and that there are no overlaps. These correspond to the Elow and Ehigh columns (represented by the ENERG_LO and ENERG_HI columns of the MATRIX block) of the OGIP standard.
rmfhi The energy bins (low and high, in keV) for the RMF. It is assumed that emfhi_i > rmflo_i, rmflo_j > 0, that the energy bins are either ascending, so rmflo_i+1 > rmflo_i or descending (rmflo_i+1 < rmflo_i), and that there are no overlaps. These correspond to the Elow and Ehigh columns (represented by the ENERG_LO and ENERG_HI columns of the MATRIX block) of the OGIP standard.
startchan The starting channel number: expected to be 0 or 1 but this is not enforced.
e_min The E_MIN and E_MAX columns of the EBOUNDS block of the RMF. If not set they are taken from rmflo and rmfhi respectively.
e_max The E_MIN and E_MAX columns of the EBOUNDS block of the RMF. If not set they are taken from rmflo and rmfhi respectively.
ethresh Passed through to the DataRMF call. It controls whether zero-energy bins are replaced.
fname If None then a "perfect" RMF is generated, otherwise it gives the name of the two-dimensional image file which stores the response information (the format of this file matches that created by the CIAO tool rmfimg [] ).
name The name of the RMF data set

Changes in CIAO

Changed in CIAO 4.16

The e_min and e_max values will use the rmflo and rmfhi values if not set.

Added in CIAO 4.11


See the bugs pages on the Sherpa website for an up-to-date listing of known bugs.

See Also
