A |
absorptionedge |
models |
Optical model of an absorption edge. |
absorptiongaussian |
models |
Gaussian function for modeling absorption (equivalent width). |
absorptionlorentz |
models |
Lorentz function for modeling absorption (equivalent width). |
accretiondisk |
models |
A model of emission due to an accretion disk. |
add_model |
modeling |
Create a user-defined model class. |
add_user_pars |
modeling |
Add parameter information to a user model. |
atten |
models |
Model the attenuation by the Inter-Stellar Medium (ISM). |
B |
bbodyfreq |
models |
A one-dimensional Blackbody model (frequency). |
bbody |
models |
A one-dimensional Blackbody model. |
beta1d |
models |
One-dimensional beta model function. |
beta2d |
models |
Two-dimensional beta model function. |
blackbody |
models |
Emission from a black body as a function of wavelength. |
box1d |
models |
One-dimensional box function. |
box2d |
models |
Two-dimensional box function. |
bpl1d |
models |
One-dimensional broken power-law function. |
bremsstrahlung |
models |
Bremsstrahlung emission. |
brokenpowerlaw |
models |
Broken power-law model. |
C |
calc_bkg_stat_info |
fitting |
Display the statistic values for the current background models. |
calc_bkg_stat |
utilities |
Calculate the fit statistic for a background data set. |
calc_chisqr |
utilities |
Calculate the per-bin chi-squared statistic. |
calc_data_sum2d |
utilities |
Sum up the data values of a 2D data set. |
calc_data_sum |
utilities |
Sum up the data values over a pass band. |
calc_energy_flux |
utilities |
Integrate the unconvolved source model over a pass band. |
calc_ftest |
utilities |
Compare two models using the F test. |
calc_kcorr |
utilities |
Calculate the K correction for a model. |
calc_mlr |
utilities |
Compare two models using the Maximum Likelihood Ratio test. |
calc_model_sum2d |
utilities |
Sum up the convolved model for a 2D data set. |
calc_model_sum |
utilities |
Sum up the fitted model over a pass band. |
calc_model |
utilities |
Calculate the per-bin model values. |
calc_photon_flux |
utilities |
Integrate the unconvolved source model over a pass band. |
calc_source_sum2d |
utilities |
Sum up the unconvolved model for a 2D data set. |
calc_source_sum |
utilities |
Sum up the source model over a pass band. |
calc_source |
utilities |
Calculate the per-bin source values. |
calc_stat_info |
fitting |
Display the statistic values for the current models. |
calc_stat |
utilities |
Calculate the fit statistic for a data set. |
cash |
statistics |
A maximum likelihood function. |
ccm |
models |
Galactic extinction: the Cardelli, Clayton, and Mathis model. |
chi2constvar |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with constant variance computed from the counts data. |
chi2datavar |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with variance computed from the data. |
chi2gehrels |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with the Gehrels variance function. |
chi2modvar |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with variance computed from model amplitudes. |
chi2xspecvar |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with variance computed from data amplitudes. |
chisquare |
statistics |
About the chi-square statistic. |
clean |
modeling |
Clear out the current Sherpa session. |
confidence |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the confidence method. |
conf |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the confidence method. |
const1d |
models |
A constant model for one-dimensional data. |
const2d |
models |
A constant model for two-dimensional data. |
contour_data |
visualization |
Contour the values of an image data set. |
contour_fit_resid |
visualization |
Contour the fit and the residuals to a data set. |
contour_fit |
visualization |
Contour the fit to a data set. |
contour_kernel |
psfs |
Contour the kernel applied to the model of an image data set. |
contour_model |
visualization |
Create a contour plot of the model. |
contour_psf |
psfs |
Contour the PSF applied to the model of an image data set. |
contour_ratio |
visualization |
Contour the ratio of data to model. |
contour_resid |
visualization |
Contour the residuals of the fit. |
contour_source |
visualization |
Create a contour plot of the unconvolved spatial model. |
contour |
visualization |
Create a contour plot for an image data set. |
copy_data |
data |
Copy a data set, creating a new identifier. |
cos |
models |
One-dimensional cosine function. |
covariance |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the covariance method. |
covar |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the covariance method. |
create_arf |
data |
Create an ARF. |
create_model_component |
modeling |
Create a model component. |
create_rmf |
data |
Create an RMF. |
cstat |
statistics |
A maximum likelihood function from XSPEC |
D |
dataspace1d |
data |
Create the independent axis for a 1D data set. |
dataspace2d |
data |
Create the independent axis for a 2D data set. |
datastack |
data |
Sherpa extension package for modeling stacks of data. |
delete_bkg_model |
modeling |
Delete the background model expression for a data set. |
delete_data |
data |
Delete a data set by identifier. |
delete_model_component |
modeling |
Delete a model component. |
delete_model |
modeling |
Delete the model expression for a data set. |
delete_pileup_model |
modeling |
Delete the pile up model for a data set. |
delete_psf |
psfs |
Delete the PSF model for a data set. |
delta1d |
models |
One-dimensional delta function. |
delta2d |
models |
Two-dimensional delta function. |
dered |
models |
A de-reddening model. |
devaucouleurs2d |
models |
Two-dimensional de Vaucouleurs model. |
disk2d |
models |
Two-dimensional uniform disk model. |
E |
edge |
models |
Photoabsorption edge model. |
emissiongaussian |
models |
Gaussian function for modeling emission. |
emissionlorentz |
models |
Lorentz function for modeling emission. |
eqwidth |
utilities |
Calculate the equivalent width of an emission or absorption line. |
erfc |
models |
One-dimensional complementary error function. |
erf |
models |
One-dimensional error function. |
estimate_weighted_expmap |
contrib |
Return the estimated exposure map value by weighting an ARF by a spectral model. |
exp10 |
models |
One-dimensional exponential function, base 10. |
exp |
models |
One-dimensional exponential function. |
F |
fake_pha |
data |
Simulate a PHA data set from a model. |
fake |
data |
Simulate a data set. |
fit_bkg |
fitting |
Fit a model to one or more background PHA data sets. |
fit |
fitting |
Fit a model to one or more data sets. |
fm |
models |
UV extinction curve: Fitzpatrick and Massa 1988. |
freeze |
modeling |
Fix model parameters so they are not changed by a fit. |
G |
gamma |
utilities |
Calculate the Gamma function. |
gauss1d |
models |
One-dimensional gaussian function. |
gauss2d |
models |
Two-dimensional gaussian function. |
get_analysis |
utilities |
Return the units used when fitting spectral data. |
get_areascal |
data |
Return the fractional area factor of a PHA data set. |
get_arf_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_arf. |
get_arf |
data |
Return the ARF associated with a PHA data set. |
get_axes |
data |
Return information about the independent axes of a data set. |
get_backscal |
data |
Return the BACKSCAL scaling of a PHA data set. |
get_bkg_arf |
data |
Return the background ARF associated with a PHA data set. |
get_bkg_chisqr_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_chisqr. |
get_bkg_delchi_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_delchi. |
get_bkg_fit_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_fit. |
get_bkg_model_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_model. |
get_bkg_model |
data |
Return the model expression for the background of a PHA data set. |
get_bkg_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg. |
get_bkg_ratio_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_ratio. |
get_bkg_resid_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_resid. |
get_bkg_rmf |
data |
Return the background RMF associated with a PHA data set. |
get_bkg_scale |
data |
Return the background scaling factor for a background data set. |
get_bkg_source_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_bkg_source. |
get_bkg_source |
data |
Return the model expression for the background of a PHA data set. |
get_bkg_stat_info |
fitting |
Return the statistic values for the current background models. |
get_bkg |
data |
Return the background for a PHA data set. |
get_cdf_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used to plot the last CDF. |
get_chart_spectrum |
contrib |
Return the model spectrum in the form required by ChaRT2 |
get_chisqr_plot |
statistics |
Return the data used by plot_chisqr. |
get_confidence_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last conf run. |
get_conf_opt |
confidence |
Return one or all of the options for the confidence interval method. |
get_conf_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last conf run. |
get_conf |
confidence |
Return the confidence-interval estimation object. |
get_contour_prefs |
visualization |
Return the preferences for the given contour type. |
get_coord |
data |
Get the coordinate system used for image analysis. |
get_counts |
data |
Return the dependent axis of a data set. |
get_covariance_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last covar run. |
get_covar_opt |
confidence |
Return one or all of the options for the covariance method. |
get_covar_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last covar run. |
get_covar |
confidence |
Return the covariance estimation object. |
get_data_contour_prefs |
data |
Return the preferences for contour_data. |
get_data_contour |
data |
Return the data used by contour_data. |
get_data_image |
data |
Return the data used by image_data. |
get_data_plot_prefs |
data |
Return the preferences for plot_data. |
get_data_plot |
data |
Return the data used by plot_data. |
get_data_prof_prefs |
contrib |
The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of imaging data. |
get_data_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of imaging data. |
get_data |
data |
Return the data set by identifier. |
get_default_id |
info |
Return the default data set identifier. |
get_delchi_plot |
statistics |
Return the data used by plot_delchi. |
get_delchi_prof_prefs |
contrib |
The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of the residuals (data - model)/error to imaging data. |
get_delchi_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of the residuals (data - model)/error to imaging data. |
get_dep |
data |
Return the dependent axis of a data set. |
get_dims |
data |
Return the dimensions of the data set. |
get_draws |
methods |
Run the pyBLoCXS MCMC algorithm. |
get_energy_flux_hist |
plotting |
Return the data displayed by plot_energy_flux. |
get_error |
data |
Return the errors on the dependent axis of a data set. |
get_exposure |
data |
Return the exposure time of a PHA data set. |
get_filter |
filtering |
Return the filter expression for a data set. |
get_fit_contour |
visualization |
Return the data used by contour_fit. |
get_fit_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used to create the fit plot. |
get_fit_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of fits to imaging data. |
get_fit_results |
fitting |
Return the results of the last fit. |
get_functions |
info |
Return the functions provided by Sherpa. |
get_grouping |
data |
Return the grouping array for a PHA data set. |
get_indep |
data |
Return the independent axes of a data set. |
get_instmap_weights |
contrib |
Return the model spectrum in the form required by the spectrumfile parameter of mkinstmap |
get_int_proj |
confidence |
Return the interval-projection object. |
get_int_unc |
confidence |
Return the interval-uncertainty object. |
get_iter_method_name |
methods |
Return the name of the iterative fitting scheme. |
get_iter_method_opt |
methods |
Return one or all options for the iterative-fitting scheme. |
get_kernel_contour |
visualization |
Return the data used by contour_kernel. |
get_kernel_image |
visualization |
Return the data used by image_kernel. |
get_kernel_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_kernel. |
get_marx_spectrum |
contrib |
Return the model spectrum in the form required by MARX |
get_method_name |
methods |
Return the name of current Sherpa optimization method. |
get_method_opt |
methods |
Return one or all of the options for the current optimization method. |
get_method |
methods |
Return an optimization method. |
get_model_autoassign_func |
modeling |
Return the method used to create model component identifiers. |
get_model_components_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_model_components. |
get_model_component_image |
modeling |
Return the data used by image_model_component. |
get_model_component_plot |
modeling |
Return the data used to create the model-component plot. |
get_model_component |
modeling |
Returns a model component given its name. |
get_model_contour_prefs |
visualization |
Return the preferences for contour_model. |
get_model_contour |
visualization |
Return the data used by contour_model. |
get_model_image |
visualization |
Return the data used by image_model. |
get_model_pars |
modeling |
Return the names of the parameters of a model. |
get_model_plot_prefs |
plotting |
Return the preferences for plot_model. |
get_model_plot |
modeling |
Return the data used to create the model plot. |
get_model_prof_prefs |
contrib |
The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of the model (after any PSF convolution) for imaging data. |
get_model_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of the source model (after any PSF convolution) for imaging data. |
get_model_type |
modeling |
Describe a model expression. |
get_model |
modeling |
Return the model expression for a data set. |
get_num_par_frozen |
modeling |
Return the number of frozen parameters in a model expression. |
get_num_par_thawed |
modeling |
Return the number of thawed parameters in a model expression. |
get_num_par |
modeling |
Return the number of parameters in a model expression. |
get_order_plot |
modeling |
Return the data used by plot_order. |
get_par |
modeling |
Return a parameter of a model component. |
get_pdf_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used to plot the last PDF. |
get_photon_flux_hist |
plotting |
Return the data displayed by plot_photon_flux. |
get_pileup_model |
modeling |
Return the pile up model for a data set. |
get_plot_prefs |
plotting |
Return the preferences for the given plot type. |
get_prior |
statistics |
Return the prior function for a parameter (MCMC). |
get_projection_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last proj run. |
get_proj_opt |
confidence |
Return one or all of the options for the confidence interval method. |
get_proj_results |
confidence |
Return the results of the last proj run. |
get_proj |
confidence |
Return the confidence-interval estimation object. |
get_psf_contour |
psfs |
Return the data used by contour_psf. |
get_psf_image |
psfs |
Return the data used by image_psf. |
get_psf_plot |
psfs |
Return the data used by plot_psf. |
get_psf |
psfs |
Return the PSF model defined for a data set. |
get_pvalue_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_pvalue. |
get_pvalue_results |
plotting |
Return the data calculated by the last plot_pvalue call. |
get_quality |
data |
Return the quality flags for a PHA data set. |
get_rate |
utilities |
Return the count rate of a PHA data set. |
get_ratio_contour |
visualization |
Return the data used by contour_ratio. |
get_ratio_image |
visualization |
Return the data used by image_ratio. |
get_ratio_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_ratio. |
get_reg_proj |
confidence |
Return the region-projection object. |
get_reg_unc |
confidence |
Return the region-uncertainty object. |
get_resid_contour |
visualization |
Return the data used by contour_resid. |
get_resid_image |
visualization |
Return the data used by image_resid. |
get_resid_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_resid. |
get_resid_prof_prefs |
contrib |
The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of the residuals (data - model) to imaging data. |
get_resid_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of the residuals (data - model) to imaging data. |
get_response |
modeling |
Return the response information applied to a PHA data set. |
get_rmf_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_rmf. |
get_rmf |
data |
Return the RMF associated with a PHA data set. |
get_rng |
utilities |
Return the RNG generator in use. |
get_sampler_name |
statistics |
Return the name of the current MCMC sampler. |
get_sampler_opt |
statistics |
Return an option of the current MCMC sampler. |
get_sampler |
statistics |
Return the current MCMC sampler options. |
get_scatter_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used to plot the last scatter plot. |
get_source_components_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used by plot_source_components. |
get_source_component_image |
modeling |
Return the data used by image_source_component. |
get_source_component_plot |
modeling |
Return the data used by plot_source_component. |
get_source_contour |
modeling |
Return the data used by contour_source. |
get_source_image |
modeling |
Return the data used by image_source. |
get_source_plot |
modeling |
Return the data used by plot_source. |
get_source_prof_prefs |
contrib |
The plot preferences for radial or elliptical profiles of the source model for imaging data. |
get_source_prof |
contrib |
Return the data used to create the radial or elliptical profile of the source model (before any PSF convolution) for imaging data. |
get_source |
modeling |
Return the source model expression for a data set. |
get_specresp |
data |
Return the effective area values for a PHA data set. |
get_split_plot |
plotting |
Return the plot attributes for displays with multiple plots. |
get_staterror |
data |
Return the statistical error on the dependent axis of a data set. |
get_stat_info |
fitting |
Return the statistic values for the current models. |
get_stat_name |
statistics |
Return the name of the current fit statistic. |
get_stat |
statistics |
Return the fit statisic. |
get_syserror |
data |
Return the systematic error on the dependent axis of a data set. |
get_trace_plot |
plotting |
Return the data used to plot the last trace. |
get_xsabundances |
modeling |
Return the abundance settings used by X-Spec. |
get_xsabund |
modeling |
Return the X-Spec abundance setting or elemental abundance. |
get_xschatter |
modeling |
Return the chatter level used by X-Spec. |
get_xscosmo |
modeling |
Return the X-Spec cosmology settings. |
get_xsxsect |
modeling |
Return the cross sections used by X-Spec models. |
get_xsxset |
modeling |
Return the X-Spec model setting. |
gridsearch |
methods |
Grid searching optimization method |
group_adapt_snr |
data |
Adaptively group to a minimum signal-to-noise ratio. |
group_adapt |
data |
Adaptively group to a minimum number of counts. |
group_bins |
data |
Group into a fixed number of bins. |
group_counts |
data |
Group into a minimum number of counts per bin. |
group_snr |
data |
Group into a minimum signal-to-noise ratio. |
group_width |
data |
Group into a fixed bin width. |
group |
data |
Turn on the grouping for a PHA data set. |
guess |
modeling |
Estimate the parameter values and ranges given the loaded data. |
H |
histogram1d |
visualization |
Create a 1D histogram from a sequence of samples. |
histogram2d |
visualization |
Create 2D histogram from a sequence of samples. |
hubblereynolds |
models |
Two-dimensional Hubble-Reynolds model. |
I |
igamc |
utilities |
Calculate the complement of the regularized incomplete Gamma function (upper). |
igam |
utilities |
Calculate the regularized incomplete Gamma function (lower). |
ignore2d_id |
filtering |
Exclude a spatial region from a data set. |
ignore2d_image |
filtering |
Exclude pixels using the region defined in the image viewer. |
ignore2d |
filtering |
Exclude a spatial region from all data sets. |
ignore_bad |
filtering |
Exclude channels marked as bad in a PHA data set. |
ignore_id |
filtering |
Exclude data from the fit for a data set. |
ignore |
filtering |
Exclude data from the fit. |
image_close |
visualization |
Close the image viewer. |
image_data |
visualization |
Display a data set in the image viewer. |
image_deleteframes |
visualization |
Delete all the frames open in the image viewer. |
image_fit |
visualization |
Display the data, model, and residuals for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_getregion |
visualization |
Return the region defined in the image viewer. |
image_kernel |
psfs |
Display the 2D kernel for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_model_component |
modeling |
Display a component of the model in the image viewer. |
image_model |
modeling |
Display the model for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_open |
visualization |
Start the image viewer. |
image_psf |
psfs |
Display the 2D PSF model for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_ratio |
visualization |
Display the ratio (data/model) for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_resid |
visualization |
Display the residuals (data - model) for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_setregion |
visualization |
Set the region to display in the image viewer. |
image_source_component |
modeling |
Display a component of the source expression in the image viewer. |
image_source |
modeling |
Display the source expression for a data set in the image viewer. |
image_xpaget |
visualization |
Return the result of an XPA call to the image viewer. |
image_xpaset |
visualization |
Return the result of an XPA call to the image viewer. |
incbet |
utilities |
Calculate the incomplete Beta function. |
integrate1d |
modeling |
Integrate a model across each bin (one dimensional). |
integrate |
modeling |
Controlling the integration of model components |
int_proj |
confidence |
Calculate and plot the fit statistic versus fit parameter value. |
int_unc |
confidence |
Calculate and plot the fit statistic versus fit parameter value. |
J |
jdpileup |
models |
A CCD pileup model for the ACIS detectors on Chandra. |
L |
leastsq |
statistics |
Chi-square statistic with variance set to 1. |
levmar |
methods |
Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method |
lgam |
utilities |
Calculate the log (base e) of the Gamma function. |
linebroad |
models |
A one-dimensional line-broadening profile. |
link |
modeling |
Link a parameter to a value. |
list_bkg_ids |
info |
List all the background identifiers for a data set. |
list_data_ids |
info |
List the identifiers for the loaded data sets. |
list_functions |
info |
Display the functions provided by Sherpa. |
list_iter_methods |
methods |
List the iterative fitting schemes. |
list_methods |
methods |
List the optimization methods. |
list_models |
models |
List the available model types. |
list_model_components |
models |
List the names of all the model components. |
list_model_ids |
info |
List of all the data sets with a source expression. |
list_pileup_model_ids |
info |
List of all the data sets with a pile up model. |
list_priors |
statistics |
Return the priors set for model parameters, if any. |
list_psf_ids |
info |
List of all the data sets with a PSF. |
list_response_ids |
info |
List all the response identifiers of a data set. |
list_samplers |
statistics |
List the MCMC samplers. |
list_stats |
info |
List the fit statistics. |
lmc |
models |
LMC extinction: the Howarth model. |
load_arf |
data |
Load an ARF from a file and add it to a PHA data set. |
load_arrays |
data |
Create a data set from array values. |
load_ascii_with_errors |
data |
Load an ASCII file with asymmetric errors as a data set. |
load_ascii |
data |
Load an ASCII file as a data set. |
load_bkg_arf |
data |
Load an ARF from a file and add it to the background of a PHA data set. |
load_bkg_rmf |
data |
Load a RMF from a file and add it to the background of a PHA data set. |
load_bkg |
data |
Load the background from a file and add it to a PHA data set. |
load_conv |
psfs |
Load a 1D convolution model. |
load_data |
data |
Load a data set from a file. |
load_filter |
filtering |
Load the filter array from a file and add to a data set. |
load_grouping |
data |
Load the grouping scheme from a file and add to a PHA data set. |
load_image |
data |
Load an image as a data set. |
load_multi_arfs |
data |
Load multiple ARFs for a PHA data set. |
load_multi_rmfs |
data |
Load multiple RMFs for a PHA data set. |
load_pha |
data |
Load a PHA data set. |
load_psf |
psfs |
Create a PSF model. |
load_quality |
data |
Load the quality array from a file and add to a PHA data set. |
load_rmf |
data |
Load a RMF from a file and add it to a PHA data set. |
load_staterror |
data |
Load the statistical errors from a file. |
load_syserror |
data |
Load the systematic errors from a file. |
load_table_model |
modeling |
Load tabular or image data and use it as a model component. |
load_table |
data |
Load a FITS binary file as a data set. |
load_template_interpolator |
modeling |
Set the template interpolation scheme. |
load_template_model |
modeling |
Load a set of templates and use it as a model component. |
load_user_model |
modeling |
Create a user-defined model. |
load_user_stat |
statistics |
Create a user-defined statistic. |
load_xstable_model |
modeling |
Load a XSPEC table model. |
log10 |
models |
One-dimensional logarithm function, base 10. |
logabsorption |
models |
Gaussian function for modeling absorption (log of fwhm). |
logemission |
models |
Gaussian function for modeling emission (log of fwhm). |
logparabola |
models |
One-dimensional log-parabolic function. |
log |
models |
One-dimensional natural logarithm function. |
lorentz1d |
models |
One-dimensional normalized Lorentz model function. |
lorentz2d |
models |
Two-dimensional un-normalised Lorentz function. |
M |
models |
models |
Summary of Sherpa models (excluding XSPEC). |
moncar |
methods |
Monte Carlo optimization method |
multinormal_pdf |
utilities |
The PDF of a multivariate-normal distribution. |
multit_pdf |
utilities |
The PDF of a multivariate student-t distribution. |
N |
neldermead |
methods |
Nelder-Mead Simplex optimization method |
normal_sample |
modeling |
Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a normal distribution. |
normbeta1d |
models |
One-dimensional normalized beta model function. |
normgauss1d |
models |
One-dimensional normalised gaussian function. |
normgauss2d |
models |
Two-dimensional normalised gaussian function. |
notice2d_id |
filtering |
Include a spatial region of a data set. |
notice2d_image |
filtering |
Include pixels using the region defined in the image viewer. |
notice2d |
filtering |
Include a spatial region of all data sets. |
notice_id |
filtering |
Include data from the fit for a data set. |
notice |
filtering |
Include data in the fit. |
O |
opticalgaussian |
models |
Gaussian function for modeling absorption (optical depth). |
P |
pack_image |
data |
Convert a data set into an image structure. |
pack_pha |
data |
Convert a PHA data set into a file structure. |
pack_table |
data |
Convert a data set into a table structure. |
paramprompt |
modeling |
Should the user be asked for the parameter values when creating a model? |
plot_arf |
plotting |
Plot the ARF associated with a data set. |
plot_bkg_chisqr |
plotting |
Plot the chi-squared value for each point of the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_delchi |
plotting |
Plot the ratio of residuals to error for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_fit_delchi |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_fit_ratio |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the data/model ratio, for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_fit_resid |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_fit |
plotting |
Plot the fit results (data, model) for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_model |
plotting |
Plot the model for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_ratio |
plotting |
Plot the ratio of data to model values for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_resid |
plotting |
Plot the residual (data-model) values for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg_source |
plotting |
Plot the model expression for the background of a PHA data set. |
plot_bkg |
plotting |
Plot the background values for a PHA data set. |
plot_cdf |
plotting |
Plot the cumulative density function of an array of values. |
plot_chart_spectrum |
contrib |
Plot up the model spectrum in the form required by ChaRT |
plot_chisqr |
plotting |
Plot the chi-squared value for each point in a data set. |
plot_data |
plotting |
Plot the data values. |
plot_delchi |
plotting |
Plot the ratio of residuals to error for a data set. |
plot_energy_flux |
plotting |
Display the energy flux distribution. |
plot_fit_delchi |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for a data set. |
plot_fit_ratio |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the ratio of data to model, for a data set. |
plot_fit_resid |
plotting |
Plot the fit results, and the residuals, for a data set. |
plot_fit |
plotting |
Plot the fit results (data, model) for a data set. |
plot_instmap_weights |
contrib |
Plot up the model spectrum in the form required by mkinstmap |
plot_kernel |
psfs |
Plot the 1D kernel applied to a data set. |
plot_marx_spectrum |
contrib |
Plot up the model spectrum in the form required by MARX |
plot_model_components |
plotting |
Plot all the components of a model. |
plot_model_component |
plotting |
Plot a component of the model for a data set. |
plot_model |
plotting |
Plot the model for a data set. |
plot_order |
plotting |
Plot the model for a data set convolved by the given response. |
plot_pdf |
plotting |
Plot the probability density function of an array of values. |
plot_photon_flux |
plotting |
Display the photon flux distribution. |
plot_psf |
psfs |
Plot the 1D PSF model applied to a data set. |
plot_pvalue |
plotting |
Compute and plot a histogram of likelihood ratios by simulating data. |
plot_ratio |
plotting |
Plot the ratio of data to model for a data set. |
plot_resid |
plotting |
Plot the residuals (data - model) for a data set. |
plot_rmf |
plotting |
Plot the RMF associated with a data set. |
plot_scatter |
plotting |
Create a scatter plot. |
plot_source_components |
plotting |
Plot all the components of a source. |
plot_source_component |
plotting |
Plot a component of the source expression for a data set. |
plot_source |
plotting |
Plot the source expression for a data set. |
plot_trace |
plotting |
Create a trace plot of row number versus value. |
plot |
plotting |
Create one or more plot types. |
poisson |
models |
One-dimensional Poisson function. |
polynom1d |
models |
One-dimensional polynomial function of order 8. |
polynom2d |
models |
Two-dimensional polynomial function. |
polynomial |
models |
Polynomial model of order 5. |
powerlaw |
models |
Power-law model. |
powlaw1d |
models |
One-dimensional power-law function. |
prof_data |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of imaging data. |
prof_delchi |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the residuals (data - model)/error to imaging data. |
prof_fit_delchi |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the fit (data and model) and residuals (data-model)/error to imaging data. |
prof_fit_resid |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the fit (data and model) and residuals (data-model) to imaging data. |
prof_fit |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the fit (data and model) to imaging data. |
prof_model |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the model (after any PSF convolution) for imaging data. |
prof_resid |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the residuals (data - model) to imaging data. |
prof_source |
contrib |
Plot a radial or elliptical profile of the source model for imaging data. |
projection |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the projection method. |
proj |
confidence |
Estimate parameter confidence intervals using the projection method. |
pseudovoigt1d |
models |
A weighted sum of a Gaussian and Lorentzian distribution. |
pyblocxs |
methods |
MCMC-based algorithm for Bayesian Low-Count X-ray Spectral (BLoCXS) analysis |
R |
rebin |
visualization |
Rebin a histogram. |
recombination |
models |
Optically-thin recombination continuum model. |
reg_proj |
confidence |
Plot the statistic value as two parameters are varied. |
reg_unc |
confidence |
Plot the statistic value as two parameters are varied. |
renorm |
contrib |
Change the normalization of a model to match the data. |
resample_data |
data |
Resample data with asymmetric error bars. |
reset |
modeling |
Reset the model parameters to their default settings. |
restore |
saving |
Load in a Sherpa session from a file. |
S |
sample_energy_flux |
utilities |
Return the energy flux distribution of a model. |
sample_flux |
utilities |
Return the flux distribution of a model. |
sample_photon_flux |
utilities |
Return the photon flux distribution of a model. |
save_all |
saving |
Save the information about the current session to a text file. |
save_arf |
saving |
Save an ARF data set to a file. |
save_arrays |
saving |
Write a list of arrays to a file. |
save_chart_spectrum |
contrib |
Write out the model spectrum in the form required by ChaRT2 |
save_data |
saving |
Save the data to a file. |
save_delchi |
saving |
Save the ratio of residuals (data-model) to error to a file. |
save_error |
saving |
Save the errors to a file. |
save_filter |
saving |
Save the filter array to a file. |
save_grouping |
saving |
Save the grouping scheme to a file. |
save_image |
saving |
Save the pixel values of a 2D data set to a file. |
save_instmap_weights |
contrib |
Write out the model spectrum in the form required by mkinstmap |
save_marx_spectrum |
contrib |
Write out the model spectrum in the form required by MARX |
save_model |
modeling |
Save the model values to a file. |
save_pha |
saving |
Save a PHA data set to a file. |
save_quality |
saving |
Save the quality array to a file. |
save_resid |
saving |
Save the residuals (data-model) to a file. |
save_rmf |
saving |
Save an RMF data set to a file. |
save_source |
modeling |
Save the model values to a file. |
save_staterror |
saving |
Save the statistical errors to a file. |
save_syserror |
saving |
Save the systematic errors to a file. |
save_table |
saving |
Save a data set to a file as a table. |
save |
saving |
Save the current Sherpa session to a file. |
scale1d |
models |
A constant model for one-dimensional data. |
scale2d |
models |
A constant model for two-dimensional data. |
schechter |
models |
One-dimensional Schechter model function. |
script |
saving |
Save every command typed in a Sherpa session to a file. |
seaton |
models |
Galactic extinction: the Seaton model from Synphot. |
sersic2d |
models |
Two-dimensional Sersic model. |
set_analysis |
utilities |
Set the units used when fitting and displaying spectral data. |
set_areascal |
data |
Change the fractional area factor of a PHA data set. |
set_arf |
data |
Set the ARF for use by a PHA data set. |
set_backscal |
data |
Change the area scaling of a PHA data set. |
set_bkg_full_model |
modeling |
Define the convolved background model expression for a PHA data set. |
set_bkg_model |
modeling |
Set the background model expression for a PHA data set. |
set_bkg_source |
modeling |
Set the background model expression for a PHA data set. |
set_bkg |
data |
Set the background for a PHA data set. |
set_conf_opt |
confidence |
Set an option for the confidence interval method. |
set_coord |
data |
Set the coordinate system to use for image analysis. |
set_counts |
data |
Set the dependent axis of a data set. |
set_covar_opt |
confidence |
Set an option for the covariance method. |
set_data |
data |
Set a data set. |
set_default_id |
utilities |
Set the default data set identifier. |
set_dep |
data |
Set the dependent axis of a data set. |
set_exposure |
data |
Change the exposure time of a PHA data set. |
set_filter |
filtering |
Set the filter array of a data set. |
set_full_model |
modeling |
Define the convolved model expression for a data set. |
set_grouping |
data |
Apply a set of grouping flags to a PHA data set. |
set_iter_method_opt |
methods |
Set an option for the iterative-fitting scheme. |
set_iter_method |
methods |
Set the iterative-fitting scheme used in the fit. |
set_method_opt |
methods |
Set an option for the current optimization method. |
set_method |
methods |
Set the optimization method. |
set_model_autoassign_func |
modeling |
Set the method used to create model component identifiers. |
set_model |
modeling |
Set the source model expression for a data set. |
set_par |
modeling |
Set the value, limits, or behavior of a model parameter. |
set_pileup_model |
modeling |
Include a model of the Chandra ACIS pile up when fitting PHA data. |
set_plot_backend |
plotting |
Change the plot backend. |
set_prior |
statistics |
Set the prior function to use with a parameter. |
set_proj_opt |
confidence |
Set an option for the projection method. |
set_psf |
psfs |
Add a PSF model to a data set. |
set_quality |
data |
Apply a set of quality flags to a PHA data set. |
set_rmf |
data |
Set the RMF for use by a PHA data set. |
set_rng |
utilities |
Set the RNG generator. |
set_sampler_opt |
statistics |
Set an option for the current MCMC sampler. |
set_sampler |
statistics |
Set the MCMC sampler. |
set_source |
modeling |
Set the source model expression for a data set. |
set_staterror |
data |
Set the statistical errors on the dependent axis of a data set. |
set_stat |
statistics |
Set the statistical method. |
set_syserror |
data |
Set the systematic errors on the dependent axis of a data set. |
set_xlinear |
plotting |
New plots will display a linear X axis. |
set_xlog |
plotting |
New plots will display a logarithmically-scaled X axis. |
set_xsabundances |
modeling |
Set the abundances used by X-Spec. |
set_xsabund |
modeling |
Set the elemental abundances used by X-Spec models. |
set_xschatter |
modeling |
Set the chatter level used by X-Spec. |
set_xscosmo |
modeling |
Set the cosmological parameters used by X-Spec models. |
set_xsxsect |
modeling |
Set the cross sections used by X-Spec models. |
set_xsxset |
modeling |
Set a X-Spec model setting. |
set_ylinear |
plotting |
New plots will display a linear Y axis. |
set_ylog |
plotting |
New plots will display a logarithmically-scaled Y axis. |
shell2d |
models |
A homogeneous spherical 3D shell projected onto 2D. |
sherparc |
sherpa |
The .sherpa.rc file provides user-configuration options for Sherpa |
sherpa_chart |
contrib |
Create and view spectral files for ChaRT2 (CIAO contributed package). |
sherpa_contrib |
contrib |
Contributed CIAO routines for Sherpa. |
sherpa_marx |
contrib |
Create and view spectral files for MARX (CIAO contributed package). |
sherpa_profiles |
contrib |
Radial profiles of imaging data in Sherpa (CIAO contributed package). |
sherpa_utils |
contrib |
Utility routines for Sherpa (CIAO contributed package). |
sherpa |
sherpa |
Introduction to Sherpa, the CIAO modeling and fitting package |
show_all |
info |
Report the current state of the Sherpa session. |
show_bkg_model |
info |
Display the background model expression used to fit a data set. |
show_bkg_source |
info |
Display the background model expression for a data set. |
show_bkg |
info |
Show the details of the PHA background data sets. |
show_conf |
info |
Display the results of the last conf evaluation. |
show_covar |
info |
Display the results of the last covar evaluation. |
show_data |
info |
Summarize the available data sets. |
show_filter |
filtering |
Show any filters applied to a data set. |
show_fit |
info |
Summarize the fit results. |
show_kernel |
psfs |
Display any kernel applied to a data set. |
show_method |
info |
Display the current optimization method and options. |
show_model |
info |
Display the model expression used to fit a data set. |
show_proj |
info |
Display the results of the last proj evaluation. |
show_psf |
psfs |
Display any PSF model applied to a data set. |
show_source |
info |
Display the source model expression for a data set. |
show_stat |
info |
Display the current fit statistic. |
show_xsabund |
info |
Show the XSPEC abundance values. |
sigmagauss2d |
models |
Two-dimensional gaussian function (varying sigma). |
simulfit |
fitting |
Fit a model to one or more data sets. |
sin |
models |
One-dimensional sine function. |
smc |
models |
SMC extinction: the Prevot et al. 1984 model. |
sm |
models |
Galactic extinction: the Savage & Mathis model. |
sqrt |
models |
One-dimensional square root function. |
stephi1d |
models |
One-dimensional step function. |
steplo1d |
models |
One-dimensional step function. |
subtract |
data |
Subtract the background estimate from a data set. |
T |
tablemodel |
models |
Using an n-dimensional array of values as a model (table model). |
tan |
models |
One-dimensional tan function. |
thaw |
modeling |
Allow model parameters to be varied during a fit. |
t_sample |
modeling |
Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from a Student's t-distribution. |
U |
ungroup |
data |
Turn off the grouping for a PHA data set. |
uniform_sample |
modeling |
Sample the fit statistic by taking the parameter values from an uniform distribution. |
unlink |
modeling |
Unlink a parameter value. |
unpack_arf |
data |
Create an ARF data structure. |
unpack_arrays |
data |
Create a sherpa data object from arrays of data. |
unpack_ascii |
data |
Unpack an ASCII file into a data structure. |
unpack_bkg |
data |
Create a PHA data structure for a background data set. |
unpack_data |
data |
Create a sherpa data object from a file. |
unpack_image |
data |
Create an image data structure. |
unpack_pha |
data |
Create a PHA data structure. |
unpack_rmf |
data |
Create a RMF data structure. |
unpack_table |
data |
Unpack a FITS binary file into a data structure. |
unsubtract |
data |
Undo any background subtraction for the data set. |
V |
voigt1d |
models |
One dimensional Voigt profile. |
W |
wstat |
statistics |
A maximum likelihood function from XSPEC |
X |
xgal |
models |
Extragalactic extinction: Calzetti, Kinney and Storchi-Bergmann |
xsabsori |
models |
The XSPEC absori model: ionized absorber. |
xsacisabs |
models |
The XSPEC acisabs model: Chandra ACIS q.e. decay. |
xsagauss |
models |
The XSPEC agauss model: gaussian line profile in wavelength space. |
xsagnsed |
models |
The XSPEC agnsed model: AGN SED model |
xsagnslim |
models |
The XSPEC agnslim model: AGN super-Eddington accretion model |
xsapec |
models |
The XSPEC apec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
xsbapec |
models |
The XSPEC bapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
xsbbodyrad |
models |
The XSPEC bbodyrad model: blackbody spectrum, area normalized. |
xsbbody |
models |
The XSPEC bbody model: blackbody spectrum. |
xsbcempow |
models |
The XSPEC bcempow model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure |
xsbcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC bcheb6 model: differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsbcie |
models |
The XSPEC bcie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsbcoolflow |
models |
The XSPEC bcoolflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xsbcph |
models |
The XSPEC bcph model: Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters. |
xsbequil |
models |
The XSPEC bequil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium, |
xsbexpcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC bexpcheb6 model: differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsbexrav |
models |
The XSPEC bexrav model: reflected e-folded broken power law, neutral medium. |
xsbexriv |
models |
The XSPEC bexriv model: reflected e-folded broken power law, ionized medium. |
xsbgadem |
models |
The XSPEC bgadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsbgnei |
models |
The XSPEC bgnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsbkn2pow |
models |
The XSPEC bkn2pow model: broken power law with two breaks. |
xsbknpower |
models |
The XSPEC bknpower model: broken power law. |
xsbmc |
models |
The XSPEC bmc model: Comptonization by relativistic matter. |
xsbnei |
models |
The XSPEC bnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsbnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsbpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbremss |
models |
The XSPEC bremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
xsbrnei |
models |
The XSPEC brnei model: velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xsbsedov |
models |
The XSPEC bsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsbsnapec |
models |
The XSPEC snapec model: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. |
xsbtapec |
models |
The XSPEC btapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xsbvapec |
models |
The XSPEC bvapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
xsbvcempow |
models |
The XSPEC bvcempow model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
xsbvcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC bvcheb6 model: differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsbvcie |
models |
The XSPEC bvcie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsbvcoolflow |
models |
The XSPEC bvcoolflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xsbvcph |
models |
The XSPEC bvcph model: Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters. |
xsbvequil |
models |
The XSPEC bvequil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium, |
xsbvexpcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC bvexpcheb6 model: differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsbvgadem |
models |
The XSPEC bvgadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsbvgnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvgnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsbvnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsbvnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bvnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsbvpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bvpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbvrnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvrnei model: velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xsbvsedov |
models |
The XSPEC bvsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsbvtapec |
models |
The XSPEC bvtapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xsbvvapec |
models |
The XSPEC bvvapec model: velocity broadened APEC thermal plasma model. |
xsbvvcie |
models |
The XSPEC bvvcie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsbvvgadem |
models |
The XSPEC bvvgadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsbvvgnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvvgnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsbvvnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvvnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsbvvnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bvvnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsbvvpshock |
models |
The XSPEC bvvpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsbvvrnei |
models |
The XSPEC bvvrnei model: velocity-broadened non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xsbvvsedov |
models |
The XSPEC bvvsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsbvvtapec |
models |
The XSPEC bvvtapec model: velocity broadened APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xsbvvwdem |
models |
The XSPEC bvvwdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsbvwdem |
models |
The XSPEC bvwdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsbwcycl |
models |
The XSPEC bwcycl model: Becker-Wolff self-consistent cyclotron line model. |
xsbwdem |
models |
The XSPEC bwdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsc6mekl |
models |
The XSPEC c6mekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
xsc6pmekl |
models |
The XSPEC c6pmekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
xsc6pvmkl |
models |
The XSPEC c6pvmkl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
xsc6vmekl |
models |
The XSPEC c6vmekl model: differential emission measure using Chebyshev representations with multi-temperature mekal. |
xscabs |
models |
The XSPEC cabs model: Optically-thin Compton scattering. |
xscarbatm |
models |
The XSPEC carbatm model: Nonmagnetic carbon atmosphere of a neutron star. |
xscemekl |
models |
The XSPEC cemekl model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. |
xscempow |
models |
The XSPEC cempow model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
xscevmkl |
models |
The XSPEC cevmkl model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using mekal. |
xscflow |
models |
The XSPEC cflow model: cooling flow. |
xscflux |
models |
The XSPEC cflux convolution model: calculate flux |
xscglumin |
models |
The XSPEC cglumin convolution model: calculate luminosity |
xscheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC cheb6 model: differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xscie |
models |
The XSPEC cie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsclumin |
models |
The XSPEC clumin convolution model: calculate luminosity |
xscompbb |
models |
The XSPEC compbb model: Comptonization, black body. |
xscompls |
models |
The XSPEC compLS model: Comptonization, Lamb & Sanford. |
xscompmag |
models |
The XSPEC compmag model: Thermal and bulk Comptonization for cylindrical accretion onto the polar cap of a magnetized neutron star. |
xscompps |
models |
The XSPEC compPS model: Comptonization, Poutanen & Svenson. |
xscompst |
models |
The XSPEC compST model: Comptonization, Sunyaev & Titarchuk. |
xscomptb |
models |
The XSPEC comptb model: Thermal and bulk Comptonization of a seed blackbody-like spectrum. |
xscompth |
models |
The XSPEC compth model: Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
xscomptt |
models |
The XSPEC compTT model: Comptonization, Titarchuk. |
xsconstant |
models |
The XSPEC constant model: energy-independent factor. |
xscoolflow |
models |
The XSPEC coolflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xscpflux |
models |
The XSPEC cpflux convolution model: calculate photon flux |
xscph |
models |
The XSPEC cph model: Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters |
xscplinear |
models |
The XSPEC cplinear model: a non-physical piecewise-linear model for low count background spectra. |
xscutoffpl |
models |
The XSPEC cutoffpl model: power law, high energy exponential cutoff. |
xscyclabs |
models |
The XSPEC cyclabs model: absorption line, cyclotron. |
xsdiskbb |
models |
The XSPEC diskbb model: accretion disk, multi-black body components. |
xsdiskir |
models |
The XSPEC diskir model: Irradiated inner and outer disk. |
xsdiskline |
models |
The XSPEC diskline model: accretion disk line emission, relativistic. |
xsdiskm |
models |
The XSPEC diskm model: accretion disk with gas pressure viscosity. |
xsdisko |
models |
The XSPEC disko model: accretion disk, inner, radiation pressure viscosity. |
xsdiskpbb |
models |
The XSPEC diskpbb model: accretion disk, power-law dependence for T(r). |
xsdiskpn |
models |
The XSPEC diskpn model: accretion disk, black hole, black body. |
xsdisk |
models |
The XSPEC disk model: accretion disk, black body. |
xsdust |
models |
The XSPEC dust model: dust scattering. |
xsedge |
models |
The XSPEC edge model: absorption edge. |
xseebremss |
models |
The XSPEC eebremss model: electron-electron bremsstrahlung spectrum. |
xseplogpar |
models |
The XSPEC eplogpar model: log-parabolic blazar model with nu-Fnu normalization. |
xseqpair |
models |
The XSPEC eqpair model: Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
xseqtherm |
models |
The XSPEC eqtherm model: Paolo Coppi's hybrid (thermal/non-thermal) hot plasma emission models. |
xsequil |
models |
The XSPEC equil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. |
xsexpabs |
models |
The XSPEC expabs model: exponential roll-off at low E. |
xsexpcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC expcheb6 model: differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsexpdec |
models |
The XSPEC expdec model: exponential decay. |
xsexpfac |
models |
The XSPEC expfac model: exponential modification. |
xsezdiskbb |
models |
The XSPEC ezdiskbb model: multiple blackbody disk model with zero-torque inner boundary. |
xsgabs |
models |
The XSPEC gabs model: gaussian absorption line. |
xsgadem |
models |
The XSPEC gadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsgaussian |
models |
The XSPEC gaussian model: gaussian line profile. |
xsgnei |
models |
The XSPEC gnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsgrad |
models |
The XSPEC grad model: accretion disk, Schwarzschild black hole. |
xsgrbcomp |
models |
The XSPEC grbcomp model: Comptonization for GRB prompt emission. |
xsgrbjet |
models |
The XSPEC grbjet model: Two-phase Comptonization model of soft thermal seed photons for GRB prompt emission |
xsgrbm |
models |
The XSPEC grbm model: gamma-ray burst continuum. |
xsgsmooth |
models |
The XSPEC gsmooth convolution model: gaussian smoothing |
xshatm |
models |
The XSPEC hatm model: Nonmagnetic hydrogen atmosphere of a neutron star. |
xsheilin |
models |
The XSPEC heilin model: Voigt absorption profiles for He I series. |
xshighecut |
models |
The XSPEC highecut model: high-energy cutoff. |
xshrefl |
models |
The XSPEC hrefl model: reflection model. |
xsireflect |
models |
The XSPEC ireflect convolution model: reflection from ionized material |
xsismabs |
models |
The XSPEC ismabs model: A high resolution ISM absorption model with variable columns for individual ions. |
xsismdust |
models |
The XSPEC ismdust model: Extinction due to a power-law distribution of dust grains. |
xsjet |
models |
The XSPEC jet model: Leptonic relativistic jet model. |
xskdblur2 |
models |
The XSPEC kdblur2 convolution model: convolve with the laor2 model |
xskdblur |
models |
The XSPEC kdblur convolution model: convolve with the laor model |
xskerrbb |
models |
The XSPEC kerrbb model: multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
xskerrconv |
models |
The XSPEC kerrconv convolution model: accretion disk line shape with BH spin as free parameter |
xskerrdisk |
models |
The XSPEC kerrdisk model: accretion disk line emission with BH spin as free parameter. |
xskerrd |
models |
The XSPEC kerrd model: optically thick accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
xskyconv |
models |
The XSPEC kyconv convolution model: convolution using a relativistic line from axisymmetric accretion disk |
xskyrline |
models |
The XSPEC kyrline model: relativistic line from axisymmetric accretion disk |
xslaor2 |
models |
The XSPEC laor2 model: accretion disk with broken-power law emissivity profile, black hole emission line. |
xslaor |
models |
The XSPEC laor model: accretion disk, black hole emission line. |
xslog10con |
models |
The XSPEC log10con model: Constant in base 10 log units. |
xslogconst |
models |
The XSPEC logconst model: Constant in log units. |
xslogpar |
models |
The XSPEC logpar model: log-parabolic blazar model. |
xslorentz |
models |
The XSPEC lorentz model: lorentz line profile. |
xslsmooth |
models |
The XSPEC lsmooth convolution model: lorentzian smoothing |
xslyman |
models |
The XSPEC lyman model: Voigt absorption profiles for H I or He II Lyman series. |
xsmekal |
models |
The XSPEC mekal model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). |
xsmeka |
models |
The XSPEC meka model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). |
xsmkcflow |
models |
The XSPEC mkcflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xsnei |
models |
The XSPEC nei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsnlapec |
models |
The XSPEC nlapec model: continuum-only APEC emission spectrum. |
xsnotch |
models |
The XSPEC notch model: absorption line, notch. |
xsnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC npshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsnsagrav |
models |
The XSPEC nsagrav model: NS H atmosphere model for different g. |
xsnsatmos |
models |
The XSPEC nsatmos model: NS Hydrogen Atmosphere model with electron conduction and self-irradiation. |
xsnsa |
models |
The XSPEC nsa model: neutron star atmosphere. |
xsnsmaxg |
models |
The XSPEC nsmaxg model: neutron star with a magnetic atmosphere. |
xsnsmax |
models |
The XSPEC nsmax model: Neutron Star Magnetic Atmosphere. |
xsnsx |
models |
The XSPEC nsx model: neutron star with a non-magnetic atmosphere. |
xsnteea |
models |
The XSPEC nteea model: non-thermal pair plasma. |
xsnthcomp |
models |
The XSPEC nthComp model: Thermally comptonized continuum. |
xsolivineabs |
models |
The XSPEC olivineabs model: Absorption due to olivine. |
xsoptxagnf |
models |
The XSPEC optxagnf model: Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. |
xsoptxagn |
models |
The XSPEC optxagn model: Colour temperature corrected disc and energetically coupled Comptonisation model for AGN. |
xspartcov |
models |
The XSPEC partcov convolution model: partial covering |
xspcfabs |
models |
The XSPEC pcfabs model: partial covering fraction absorption. |
xspegpwrlw |
models |
The XSPEC pegpwrlw model: power law, pegged normalization. |
xspexmon |
models |
The XSPEC pexmon model: neutral Compton reflection with self-consistent Fe and Ni lines. |
xspexrav |
models |
The XSPEC pexrav model: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. |
xspexriv |
models |
The XSPEC pexriv model: reflected powerlaw, neutral medium. |
xsphabs |
models |
The XSPEC phabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xsplabs |
models |
The XSPEC plabs model: power law absorption. |
xsplcabs |
models |
The XSPEC plcabs model: powerlaw observed through dense, cold matter. |
xsposm |
models |
The XSPEC posm model: positronium continuum. |
xspowerlaw |
models |
The XSPEC powerlaw model: power law photon spectrum. |
xspshock |
models |
The XSPEC pshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xspwab |
models |
The XSPEC pwab model: power-law distribution of neutral absorbers. |
xsqsosed |
models |
The XSPEC qsosed model: AGN SED model |
xsraymond |
models |
The XSPEC raymond model: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. |
xsrdblur |
models |
The XSPEC rdblur convolution model: convolve with the diskline model shape |
xsredden |
models |
The XSPEC redden model: interstellar extinction. |
xsredge |
models |
The XSPEC redge model: emission, recombination edge. |
xsreflect |
models |
The XSPEC reflect convolution model: reflection from neutral material |
xsrefsch |
models |
The XSPEC refsch model: reflected power law from ionized accretion disk. |
xsrfxconv |
models |
The XSPEC rfxconv convolution model: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
xsrgsxsrc |
models |
The XSPEC rgsxsrc convolution model: convolve an RGS spectrum for extended emission. |
xsrnei |
models |
The XSPEC rnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xssedov |
models |
The XSPEC sedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xssimpl |
models |
The XSPEC simpl convolution model: comptonization of a seed spectrum. |
xssirf |
models |
The XSPEC sirf model: self-irradiated funnel. |
xsslimbh |
models |
The XSPEC slimbh model: Stationary slim accretion disk. |
xssmedge |
models |
The XSPEC smedge model: smeared edge. |
xssnapec |
models |
The XSPEC snapec model: galaxy cluster spectrum using SN yields. |
xsspexpcut |
models |
The XSPEC spexpcut model: super-exponential cutoff absorption. |
xsspline |
models |
The XSPEC spline model: spline modification. |
xssrcut |
models |
The XSPEC srcut model: synchrotron spectrum, cutoff power law. |
xssresc |
models |
The XSPEC sresc model: synchrotron spectrum, cut off by particle escape. |
xsssa |
models |
The XSPEC ssa model: Strangeon star atmosphere. |
xssss_ice |
models |
The XSPEC sss_ice model: Einstein SSS ice absorption. |
xsstep |
models |
The XSPEC step model: step function convolved with gaussian. |
xsswind1 |
models |
The XSPEC swind1 model: absorption by partially ionized material with large velocity shear. |
xstapec |
models |
The XSPEC tapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xstbabs |
models |
The XSPEC TBabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbfeo |
models |
The XSPEC TBfeo model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbgas |
models |
The XSPEC TBgas model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbgrain |
models |
The XSPEC TBgrain model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbpcf |
models |
The XSPEC TBpcf model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbrel |
models |
The XSPEC TBrel model: ISM grain absorption. |
xstbvarabs |
models |
The XSPEC TBvarabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
xsthcomp |
models |
The XSPEC thcomp convolution model: Thermally comptonized continuum. |
xsuvred |
models |
The XSPEC uvred model: interstellar extinction, Seaton Law. |
xsvapec |
models |
The XSPEC vapec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
xsvarabs |
models |
The XSPEC varabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xsvashift |
models |
The XSPEC vashift convolution model: velocity shift an additive model. |
xsvbremss |
models |
The XSPEC vbremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
xsvcempow |
models |
The XSPEC vcempow model: plasma emission, multi-temperature using a power-law emission measure. |
xsvcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC vcheb6 model: differential emission measure using 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsvcie |
models |
The XSPEC vcie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsvcoolflow |
models |
The XSPEC vcoolflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xsvcph |
models |
The XSPEC vcph model: Cooling + heating model for cool core clusters |
xsvequil |
models |
The XSPEC vequil model: collisional plasma, ionization equilibrium. |
xsvexpcheb6 |
models |
The XSPEC vexpcheb6 model: differential emission measure using exponential of a 6-order Chebyshev polynomial. |
xsvgadem |
models |
The XSPEC vgadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsvgnei |
models |
The XSPEC vgnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsvmcflow |
models |
The XSPEC vmcflow model: cooling flow, mekal. |
xsvmekal |
models |
The XSPEC vmekal model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Kaastra-Liedahl). |
xsvmeka |
models |
The XSPEC vmeka model: emission, hot diffuse gas (Mewe-Gronenschild). |
xsvmshift |
models |
The XSPEC vmshift convolution model: velocity shift a multiplicative model. |
xsvnei |
models |
The XSPEC vnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsvnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC vnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsvoigt |
models |
The XSPEC voigt model: Voigt line profile. |
xsvphabs |
models |
The XSPEC vphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xsvpshock |
models |
The XSPEC vpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsvraymond |
models |
The XSPEC vraymond model: emission, hot diffuse gas, Raymond-Smith. |
xsvrnei |
models |
The XSPEC vrnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xsvsedov |
models |
The XSPEC vsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsvtapec |
models |
The XSPEC vtapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xsvvapec |
models |
The XSPEC vvapec model: APEC emission spectrum. |
xsvvcie |
models |
The XSPEC vvcie model: Emission spectrum from a plasma in Collisional-ionization equilibrium. |
xsvvgadem |
models |
The XSPEC vvgadem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with gaussian distribution of emission measure. |
xsvvgnei |
models |
The XSPEC vvgnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, temperature evolution. |
xsvvnei |
models |
The XSPEC vvnei model: collisional plasma, non-equilibrium, constant temperature. |
xsvvnpshock |
models |
The XSPEC vvnpshock model: shocked plasma, plane parallel, separate ion, electron temperatures. |
xsvvpshock |
models |
The XSPEC vvpshock model: plane-parallel shocked plasma, constant temperature. |
xsvvrnei |
models |
The XSPEC vvrnei model: non-equilibrium recombining collisional plasma. |
xsvvsedov |
models |
The XSPEC vvsedov model: sedov model, separate ion/electron temperature. |
xsvvtapec |
models |
The XSPEC vvtapec model: APEC emission spectrum with separate continuum and line temperatures. |
xsvvwdem |
models |
The XSPEC vvwdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xsvwdem |
models |
The XSPEC vwdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xswabs |
models |
The XSPEC wabs model: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
xswdem |
models |
The XSPEC wdem model: plasma emission, multi-temperature with power-law distribution of emission measure. |
xswndabs |
models |
The XSPEC wndabs model: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
xsxilconv |
models |
The XSPEC xilconv convolution model: angle-dependent reflection from an ionized disk |
xsxion |
models |
The XSPEC xion model: reflected spectrum of photo-ionized accretion disk/ring. |
xsxscat |
models |
The XSPEC xscat model: dust scattering. |
xszagauss |
models |
The XSPEC zagauss model: gaussian line profile in wavelength space. |
xszashift |
models |
The XSPEC zashift convolution model: redshift an additive model. |
xszbabs |
models |
The XSPEC zbabs model: EUV ISM attenuation. |
xszbbody |
models |
The XSPEC zbbody model: blackbody spectrum. |
xszbknpower |
models |
The XSPEC zbknpower model: broken power law. |
xszbremss |
models |
The XSPEC zbremss model: thermal bremsstrahlung. |
xszcutoffpl |
models |
The XSPEC zcutoffpl model: power law, high energy exponential cutoff. |
xszdust |
models |
The XSPEC zdust model: extinction by dust grains. |
xszedge |
models |
The XSPEC zedge model: absorption edge. |
xszgauss |
models |
The XSPEC zgauss model: gaussian line profile. |
xszhighect |
models |
The XSPEC zhighect model: high-energy cutoff. |
xszigm |
models |
The XSPEC zigm model: UV/Optical attenuation by the intergalactic medium. |
xszkerrbb |
models |
The XSPEC zkerrbb model: multi-temperature blackbody model for thin accretion disk around a Kerr black hole. |
xszlogpar |
models |
The XSPEC zlogpar model: log-parabolic blazar model. |
xszmshift |
models |
The XSPEC zmshift convolution model: redshift a multiplicative model. |
xszpcfabs |
models |
The XSPEC zpcfabs model: partial covering fraction absorption. |
xszphabs |
models |
The XSPEC zphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xszpowerlw |
models |
The XSPEC zpowerlw model: redshifted power law photon spectrum. |
xszredden |
models |
The XSPEC zredden model: redshifted version of redden. |
xszsmdust |
models |
The XSPEC zsmdust model: extinction by dust grains in starburst galaxies. |
xsztbabs |
models |
The XSPEC zTBabs model: ISM grain absorption. |
xszvarabs |
models |
The XSPEC zvarabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xszvfeabs |
models |
The XSPEC zvfeabs model: photoelectric absorption with free Fe edge energy. |
xszvphabs |
models |
The XSPEC zvphabs model: photoelectric absorption. |
xszwabs |
models |
The XSPEC zwabs model: photoelectric absorption, Wisconsin cross-sections. |
xszwndabs |
models |
The XSPEC zwndabs model: photo-electric absorption, warm absorber. |
xszxipab |
models |
The XSPEC zxipab model: power-law distribution of ionized absorbers. |
xszxipcf |
models |
The XSPEC zxipcf model: partial covering absorption by partially ionized material. |
xs |
models |
XSPEC model functions. |