We updated ACIS cumulative dose map from this month. The steps we took to compute a new dose map are;
- Level 1 Event files for a specified month are obtained from archive.
- Image data including I2, I3, S2, S3 CCDs are extracted from all event files.
- All the extracted image data were merged to create a month long exposure map for the month.
- The exposure map is opened with ds9, and check a distribution of count rates against energy.
From this, estimate the upper threshold value. Any events beyond this upper threshold are
assumed erroneous events such as bad pixels.
- Using this upper threshold, the data is filtered, and create a cleaned exposure map for the month.
- The exposure map from each month from the Jul 1999 is added up to create a cumulative exposure
map for each month.
- Using fimgstatistic, we compute count rate statistics for each CCDs.
- For observations with high data drop rates (e.g., Crab nebula, Cas A), we corrected the observations
by adding events.
Please check more detail plots at Telemetered Photon Dose Trend page.
- MAR registered-photon-map in fits
ACIS_mar05 6004901 10.334 15.408 0.0 707.0
I2 node 0 262654 8.218969 6.004786 0.0 223.0
I2 node 1 262654 9.847503 11.532622 0.0 376.0
I2 node 2 262654 11.598963 17.498758 0.0 542.0
I2 node 3 262654 13.420694 23.486225 0.0 707.0
I3 node 0 262654 18.180686 26.964422 0.0 703.0
I3 node 1 262654 14.067347 19.718800 0.0 595.0
I3 node 2 262654 11.051581 12.981074 0.0 427.0
I3 node 3 262654 8.813439 6.442930 0.0 252.0
S2 node 0 262397 13.334070 4.119779 0.0 107.0
S2 node 1 262397 17.535982 33.172406 0.0 702.0
S2 node 2 262397 17.558532 6.623921 0.0 89.0
S2 node 3 262397 14.628174 4.800505 0.0 328.0
S3 node 0 262397 12.678346 14.394226 0.0 240.0
S3 node 1 262397 20.808367 35.943233 0.0 317.0
S3 node 2 262397 15.360164 6.652289 0.0 306.0
S3 node 3 262397 16.473264 8.066246 0.0 53.0
- July 1999 - March 2005 registered-photon-map in fits
ACIS_total 6004901 756.316 1118.562 0.0 436896.0
I2 node 0 262654 439.844320 299.602362 91.0 11822.0
I2 node 1 262654 520.538278 635.687483 331.0 20562.0
I2 node 2 262654 597.768673 985.497220 385.0 28718.0
I2 node 3 262654 653.136004 1307.712703 0.0 35160.0
I3 node 0 262654 713.276154 1326.528027 348.0 35234.0
I3 node 1 262654 643.686428 991.538912 402.0 27901.0
I3 node 2 262654 543.450037 642.268819 146.0 20078.0
I3 node 3 262654 437.846482 285.729297 0.0 11245.0
S2 node 0 262397 824.093522 114.323518 355.0 4059.0
S2 node 1 262397 1045.122974 2304.963779 356.0 43689.0
S2 node 2 262397 984.471960 203.090760 502.0 7503.0
S2 node 3 262397 962.846100 200.815825 0.0 3718.0
S3 node 0 262397 1826.824590 1245.971444 592.0 10583.0
S3 node 1 262397 2967.237190 1755.901765 0.0 11595.0
S3 node 2 262397 1955.551447 712.041492 500.0 4588.0
S3 node 3 262397 1372.001936 306.000160 0.0 6501.0
- MAR 2005 dose PNG image
- MAR I3 dose PNG image
- MAR S3 dose PNG image
- TOTAL JUL 1999 - MAR 2005 dose PNG image
- TOTAL I3 dose PNG image
- TOTAL S3 dose PNG image