- ACIS DOSE registered-photon-map
We updated ACIS cumulative dose map from this month. The steps we took to compute a new dose map are;
- Level 1 Event files for a specified month are obtained from archive.
- Image data including I2, I3, S2, S3 CCDs are extracted from all event files.
- All the extracted image data were merged to create a month long exposure map for the month.
- The exposure map is opened with ds9, and check a distribution of count rates against energy.
From this, estimate the upper threshold value. Any events beyond this upper threshold are
assumed erroneous events such as bad pixels.
- Using this upper threshold, the data is filtered, and create a cleaned exposure map for the month.
- The exposure map from each month from the Aug 1999 is added up to create a cumulative exposure
map for each month.
- Using fimgstatistic, we compute count rate statistics for each CCDs.
- For observations with high data drop rates (e.g., Crab nebula, Cas A), we corrected the observations
by adding events.
Note: Counts and RMS's of Cumulative maps are lower than the previous months. This is because we excluded
extreme outliers.
Please check more detail plots at Telemetered Photon Dose Trend page.
- JANUARY registered-photon-map in fits
ACIS_jan06 6004901 10.620 16.068 0.0 589.0
I2 node 0 262654 7.653889 3.142888 0.0 31.0
I2 node 1 262654 8.032936 3.391172 0.0 289.0
I2 node 2 262654 8.026806 3.214119 0.0 59.0
I2 node 3 262654 7.909881 3.348748 0.0 61.0
I3 node 0 262654 7.810977 3.430094 0.0 70.0
I3 node 1 262654 8.119232 6.956800 0.0 202.0
I3 node 2 262654 7.576323 3.150300 0.0 44.0
I3 node 3 262654 7.604202 3.234701 0.0 145.0
I2 node 0 262654 13.371289 4.272672 0.0 67.0
I2 node 1 262654 14.276369 5.505673 0.0 78.0
I2 node 2 262654 18.488645 10.395841 0.0 118.0
I2 node 3 262654 21.574869 16.550536 0.0 317.0
I3 node 0 262654 29.729389 32.032235 1.0 257.0
I3 node 1 262654 22.810321 18.419416 0.0 221.0
I3 node 2 262654 23.457855 15.798850 0.0 183.0
I3 node 3 262654 18.520526 9.979704 1.0 121.0
- Aug 1999 - Jan 2006 registered-photon-map in fits
ACIS_total 6004901 840.199 1196.223 0.0 49520.0
I2 node 0 262654 585.225361 101.208356 0.0 2231.0
I2 node 1 262654 616.280432 139.393210 0.0 3395.0
I2 node 2 262654 620.371731 109.878517 0.0 2008.0
I2 node 3 262654 620.347873 140.071919 0.0 2879.0
I3 node 0 262654 670.913307 165.446236 0.0 3284.0
I3 node 1 262654 690.987198 453.479741 0.0 12401.0
I3 node 2 262654 618.431396 100.727226 0.0 2324.0
I3 node 3 262654 612.305981 109.854083 0.0 11299.0
I2 node 0 262654 946.882747 117.430399 427.0 3207.0
I2 node 1 262654 993.772775 196.752366 431.0 4838.0
I2 node 2 262654 1134.881989 226.185980 586.0 8170.0
I2 node 3 262654 1122.654789 192.624955 604.0 6647.0
I3 node 0 262654 1916.802298 1149.485702 671.0 10246.0
I3 node 1 262654 3036.927731 1686.197969 0.0 11236.0
I3 node 2 262654 2091.368221 709.717035 567.0 4690.0
I3 node 3 262654 1514.934069 271.511859 707.0 3637.0
- JAN 2006 dose PNG image
- JAN I3 dose PNG image
- JAN S3 dose PNG image
- TOTAL AUG 1999 - JAN 2006 dose PNG image
- TOTAL I3 dose PNG image
- TOTAL S3 dose PNG image
- Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
Oct 2005 |
Jul 2005 |
Apr 2005 |
Feb 2005 |
- The Mean Detrended CTI
We report CTIs with a refined data definition. CTIs were computed for the temperature
dependency corrected data.
Please see
CTI page
for detailed explanation.
CTI's are computed for Mn K alpha, and defined as slope/intercept x10^4 of row # vs ADU.
Data file here
Focal plane temperature between Sept and Oct was re-calibrated, and the data points are
corrected accordingly.
- Focal Plane Temperature
The Mean (max) FPT: -117.19 std dev: 2.56
mean width: 0.61 days std dev: 0.43
We are using 10 period moving averages to show
trends of peak temperatures and peak widths.
Note, the gaps in the width plot are due to missing/corrupted data.
The following is a plot of focal plane temperature and sun angle, earth angle, and altitude.
- Bad Pixels
The plots below were generated with a new warm pixel finding script. Please see
Acis Bad Pixel Page
for details.
Front Side CCDs
Back Side CCD (CCD5)
Acis Count Rate Plot
This monitors the ACIS count Rate vs. EPHIN count Rate.
No sources or CTI observations are removed. For daily updates see:
Ephin/Acis Info

- Science instrument background rates
This page shows scientific instrument background data based on Acis
observations. A source region file is generated using get_srcregions
and then the input event file is filtered using the regions in that file
to remove the sources.
Name | Low (keV) | High(KeV) | Description |
SSoft | 0.00 | 0.50 | Super soft photons |
Soft | 0.50 | 1.00 | Soft photons |
Med | 1.00 | 3.00 | Moderate energy photons |
Hard | 3.00 | 5.00 | Hard Photons |
Harder | 5.00 | 10.00 | Very Hard photons |
Hardest | 10.00 | | Beyond 10 keV |

The following three plots show trends of SIB from year 2000.
CCDs shown here are CCD3, CCD5, and CCD7. Fitted lines are linear fit after eliminating extreme
outliers. For >10 keV plots, 2 lines are fit. One is with a 13 keV filter, and
another without.



- ACIS Corner Pixels
We plot the average corner pixel centroid slope and mean for ACIS observations. Separate
plots are shown for FAINT MODE (3X3) and VFAINT MODE (5X5) observations.
Metric is the centroid of a gaussian fit to the histogram of corner pixel PHA values
of detected events.
Plus signs are FAINT observations, diamonds are VFAINT observations,
and boxes are VFAINT observations with centroids computed using
only the corner pixels of a 3X3 event island (referred to as AFAINT).
We see a very small upward trend.

- ACIS Bias Trends
The bias plus overclock level was calculated as follows:
- Get acisf*bias0.fits is obtained from a database or /dsops/ap/sdp/cache/*/acis/
- Data with timed mode exposure is selected.
- Fits files were divided into 4 quads, then an average of bias level for each quad is computed.
No corrections for dead spots, columns etc were included.
2 and
8 are the most
An example of Overclock values as reported in FITS file header:
An example of mean bias minus overclock value: