December 2013

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  1. Configuration
  2. ACIS
  3. HRC - Dose
  4. Gratings - Focus
  5. PCAD
  6. Radiation History
  7. Quarterly Trending
  8. Trending
  9. Spacecraft Motions
  10. Past Monthly Report


ACIS DOSE Registered-Photon-Map

The steps we took to compute the dose map are;

Please check more detail plots at Telemetered Photon Dose Trend page.

  • Dec registered-photon-map in fits

  • Dec Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3

    # IMAGE     NPIX        MEAN           RMS              MIN     MAX
    ACIS_dec13 6004901       5.520         13.265           0.0     12159
    I2 node 0  262654   7.190407    3.247010    0.0    49.0
    I2 node 1  262654   7.644655    3.636505    0.0   268.0
    I2 node 2  262654   7.480930    3.277161    0.0    78.0
    I2 node 3  262654   7.535765    6.644500    0.0  2108.0
    I3 node 0  262654   7.520477    3.414586    0.0   176.0
    I3 node 1  262654   8.318684    9.964360    0.0  3320.0
    I3 node 2  262654   7.280967    3.186935    0.0    73.0
    I3 node 3  262654   7.312023    16.49264    0.0  7835.0
    S2 node 0  262654   6.020244    2.729838    0.0    35.0
    S2 node 1  262654   6.045086    3.092440    0.0    48.0
    S2 node 2  262654   6.397350    44.99899    0.0 12159.0
    S2 node 3  262654   6.027756    2.772659    0.0   312.0
    S3 node 0  262654   7.177547    3.064111    0.0    46.0
    S3 node 1  262654   7.990430    3.222933    0.0    59.0
    S3 node 2  262654   7.756499    4.498073    0.0  1768.0
    S3 node 3  262654   7.093441    2.750316    0.0    41.0
  • Jul 1999 - Dec 2013 registered-photon-map in fits
  • Cumulative Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3
     IMAGE        NPIX      MEAN             RMS            MIN    MAX
    ACIS_total   6004901    1757.529         2318.323       0.0   103049
    I2 node 0  262654   1486.234356 293.994133     0.0  8961.0
    I2 node 1  262654   1562.558241 395.642691     0.0 36035.0
    I2 node 2  262654   1590.574772 341.031514     0.0  6782.0
    I2 node 3  262654   1587.094052 402.853726     0.0  9390.0
    I3 node 0  262654   1663.031347 406.593099     0.0  6553.0
    I3 node 1  262654   1746.421375 1327.23535     0.0 33766.0
    I3 node 2  262654   1524.180691 282.577011     0.0  7651.0
    I3 node 3  262654   1510.192490 301.085691     0.0 26186.0
    S2 node 0  262654   2110.695975 322.768909  1102.0 28666.0
    S2 node 1  262654   2248.659041 494.995443  1150.0 12407.0
    S2 node 2  262654   2486.454684 486.849630  1489.0 42229.0
    S2 node 3  262654   2419.557289 365.566454  1433.0 40374.0
    S3 node 0  262654   3695.507575 1741.57592  1517.0 12816.0
    S3 node 1  262654   4771.231310 1927.25425     0.0 13105.0
    S3 node 2  262654   3685.833448 924.985597  1490.0  9239.0
    S3 node 3  262654   2887.481283 448.010417  1648.0  9398.0
  • Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Sep 2013 Jun 2013 Mar 2013 Dec 2012

    The Mean Detrended CTI

    We report CTIs with a refined data definition. CTIs were computed for the temperature dependency corrected data. Please see CTI page for detailed explanation. CTI's are computed for Mn K alpha, and defined as slope/intercept x10^4 of row # vs ADU. Data file: here

    Focal Plane Temperature

    Dec 2013 Focal Temperature

    The Mean (max) FPT:
    -111.62 +/- 6.12 C
    Mean Width:
    0.78 +/- 0.47 days

    Averaged Focal Plane Temperature

    We are using 10 period moving averages to show trends of peak temperatures and peak widths. Note, the gaps in the width plot are due to missing/corrupted data.

    Focal Plane Temperature, Sun Angle and Altitude

    Bad Pixels

    The plots below were generated with a new warm pixel finding script. Please see Acis Bad Pixel Page for details.

    Front Side CCDs

    Back Side CCD (CCD5)

    Science Instrument Background Rates

    Name Low (keV)High(KeV)Description
    SSoft 0.00 0.50 Super soft photons
    Soft 0.50 1.00 Soft photons
    Med 1.00 3.00 Moderate energy photons
    Hard 3.00 5.00 Hard Photons
    Harder 5.00 10.00 Very Hard photons
    Hardest10.00   Beyond 10 keV
    This page shows scientific instrument background data based on Acis observations. A source region file is generated using get_srcregions and then the input event file is filtered using the regions in that file to remove the sources.



    DOSE of Central 4K Pore-Pairs

    Please refer to Maximum Dose Trends for more details.

  • SEP HRC-I dose fits image - no observations

  • Dec HRC-I Dose in fits
            IMAGE                NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX  
    HRCI_12_2013.fits          16777216   0.020    0.1447      0.0       9.0 
  • AUG 1999 - DEC 2013 HRC-I Dose in fits
  •         IMAGE                NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX
    HRCI_08_1999_12_2013.fits  16777216   4.098    4.823       0.0       292.0                                
  • Dec HRC-S Dose
             IMAGE                NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX    
    HRCS_12_2013.fits          16777216     0.120    1.6566     0.0       146.0                               
  • AUG 1999 - DEC 2013 HRC-S Dose in fits
  •         IMAGE                NPIX     MEAN      STDDEV      MIN      MAX
    HRCS_08_1999_12_2013.fits  16777216  15.363     26.873      0.0      1679.0                                

    Max dose trend plots corrected for events that "pile-up" in the center of the taps due to bad position information.

  • HRC I: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Sep 2013 Jun 2013 Mar 2013 Dec 2012
  • HRC S: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • Sep 2013 Jun 2013 Mar 2013 Dec 2012




    We plot the width of the zero order streak of ACIS/HETG observations and the width of the zero order image for HRC/LETG observations of point sources. No significant defocusing trend is seen at this time. See Gratings Focus pages.



    ACA Trending

    ACA Trending - Entire Period

    Fid Light Drift

    Fid light positions on ACA drift with time. The drift trends of Fid light 2 with ACIS-I and ACIS-S configurations are shown below.

    The top panel shows Fid light 2 drift in ACENT I (app. along with -Y axis), and the bottom panel shows that in ACENT J (app. along with Z axis). The unit is a pixel, and one pixel is approximately 0.5 arcsec. The slope listed at the top right corner is the change in a position per year (arcsec/yr). The vertical line on DOM = 1411 (Jun 1, 2003) indicates a transition date of use of IRU-1 to IRU-2.
    See also Tom Aldcroft's updated page: https://cxc.cfa.harvard.edu/mta/ASPECT/fid_drift

    Fid 2 (ACIS-I)

    Fid 2 (ACIS-S)

    Fid 8 (HRC-I)

    Fid 12 (HRC-S)

    Gyro Bias Drift


    Radiation History

    Radiation Zone Timing

  • Entire Mission Timing Plots
  • Sun Spot History



    Critical Trends

    Quarterly Trends

    Envelope Trending

    EPS Battery

    HRMA Heaters


    Spacecraft Motions

    Reaction Wheel Rotations

    Note: From Feb 2010, the computation of reaction wheel rotations are slightly modified.


    Links to Past Monthly Reports

    Back to SOT page

    If you have any questions about this page, please contact swolk@head.cfa.harvard.edu.