August 2015

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Configuration/Radiation Overview for August 2015


ACIS DOSE Registered-Photon-Map

The steps we took to compute the dose map are;

Please check more detail plots at Telemetered Photon Dose Trend page.

  • August registered-photon-map in fits

  • August Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3

    # IMAGE     NPIX     MEAN        RMS        MIN     MAX
    ACIS_aug15 6004901   8.015      13.777      0.0     2524
    I2 node 0  262654   9.464817    3.851398    0.0     60.0
    I2 node 1  262654   9.905818    4.393387    0.0    737.0
    I2 node 2  262654   9.791872    3.850186    0.0     89.0
    I2 node 3  262654   9.937424    6.654422    0.0   2524.0
    I3 node 0  262654   9.976621    4.339511    0.0    362.0
    I3 node 1  262654   10.124652   9.089848    0.0    457.0
    I3 node 2  262654   9.231498    3.683744    0.0     79.0
    I3 node 3  262654   9.381200    3.811349    0.0    131.0
    S2 node 0  262654   9.517253    3.925411    0.0    771.0
    S2 node 1  262654   9.718355    4.153236    0.0     68.0
    S2 node 2  262654   9.816701    3.934807    0.0    294.0
    S2 node 3  262654   9.883314    4.133386    0.0    735.0
    S3 node 0  262654   21.645140  36.607532    0.0    298.0
    S3 node 1  262654   12.962562  13.173593    0.0    199.0
    S3 node 2  262654   9.671833    3.300881    0.0     39.0
    S3 node 3  262654   8.613364    3.051001    0.0     76.0
  • Jul 1999 - Aug 2015 registered-photon-map in fits
  • Cumulative Dose Map


    CCD I3

    CCD S3
     IMAGE     NPIX      MEAN        RMS          MIN      MAX
    ACIS_total 6004901  1947.010    2545.603      0.0     111954
    I2 node 0  262654   1643.554370  314.887052   326.0    9207.0
    I2 node 1  262654   1731.645000  435.015816   355.0   42490.0
    I2 node 2  262654   1764.429294  369.882578   352.0    9303.0
    I2 node 3  262654   1762.772819  444.163768   336.0   28147.0
    I3 node 0  262654   1852.631686  442.332055   325.0    7203.0
    I3 node 1  262654   1942.339733 1463.887520   338.0   36711.0
    I3 node 2  262654   1695.853916  304.706114   321.0    8866.0
    I3 node 3  262654   1683.464404  326.007488   298.0   28042.0
    S2 node 0  262654   2274.688419  330.734016  1206.0   21319.0
    S2 node 1  262654   2417.671257  527.154437  1278.0   13294.0
    S2 node 2  262654   2671.996159  512.312847  1630.0   27290.0
    S2 node 3  262654   2610.248067  372.144231  1540.0   44649.0
    S3 node 0  262654   4037.469796 1830.266618  1675.0   13769.0
    S3 node 1  262654   5257.589200 2131.212615     0.0   14243.0
    S3 node 2  262654   4040.467674 1040.965119  1642.0    9760.0
    S3 node 3  262654   3111.320495  476.889969  1782.0   10598.0
  • Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • May 2015 Feb 2015 Nov 2014 Aug 2014

    The Mean Detrended CTI

    We report CTIs with a refined data definition. CTIs were computed for the temperature dependency corrected data. Please see CTI page for detailed explanation. CTI's are computed for Mn K alpha, and defined as slope/intercept x10^4 of row # vs ADU. Data file: here

    Imaging CCDs

    Spectral CCDs

    Backside CCDs

    Focal Plane Temperature

    Aug 2015 Focal Temperature

    The Mean (max) FPT:
    -112.64 +/- 4.55 C
    Mean Width:
    2.69 +/- 2.15 days

    Averaged Focal Plane Temperature

    We are using 10 period moving averages to show trends of peak temperatures and peak widths. Note, the gaps in the width plot are due to missing/corrupted data.

    Focal Plane Temperature, Sun Angle and Altitude

    Bad Pixels

    The plots below were generated with a new warm pixel finding script. Please see Acis Bad Pixel Page for details.

    Front Side CCDs

    Back Side CCD (CCD5)

    Science Instrument Background Rates

    Name Low (keV)High(KeV)Description
    SSoft 0.00 0.50 Super soft photons
    Soft 0.50 1.00 Soft photons
    Med 1.00 3.00 Moderate energy photons
    Hard 3.00 5.00 Hard Photons
    Harder 5.00 10.00 Very Hard photons
    Hardest10.00   Beyond 10 keV
    This page shows scientific instrument background data based on Acis observations. A source region file is generated using get_srcregions and then the input event file is filtered using the regions in that file to remove the sources.



    DOSE of Central 4K Pore-Pairs

    Please refer to Maximum Dose Trends for more details.

  • AUG HRC-I dose fits image - no observations

  • No Data   
  • AUG 1999 - Aug 2015 HRC-I Dose in fits
  •         IMAGE                NPIX      MEAN    STDDEV      MIN       MAX
    HRCI_08_1999_08_2015.fits  16777216   4.328    4.917       0.0       292.0                                
  • Aug HRC-S dose fits image - no observations

    No Data  
  • AUG 1999 - AUG 2015 HRC-S Dose in fits
  •         IMAGE                NPIX     MEAN      STDDEV      MIN      MAX
    HRCS_08_1999_08_2015.fits  16777216  15.747     27.909      0.0      1691.0                                

    Max dose trend plots corrected for events that "pile-up" in the center of the taps due to bad position information.

  • HRC I: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • May 2015 Feb 2015 Nov 2014 Aug 2014
  • HRC S: Integrated Exposure Maps of Last 12 Months
  • May 2015 Feb 2015 Nov 2014 Aug 2014


    HRMA Focus

    Plots below show various characteristics of detected imaging sources. Standard level 2 data products (*src2.fits) are used. Only observations with focus (sim_x) within 0.01 mm of nominal value for given SI configuration are used. Sources are also filtered for strength (SNR > 15).

    For individual detectors, please go to MTA SRC2 Monitoring page.




    We plot the width of the zero order streak of ACIS/HETG observations and the width of the zero order image for HRC/LETG observations of point sources. No significant defocusing trend is seen at this time. See Gratings Focus pages.



    ACA Trending

    ACA Trending - Entire Period

    ACA Trending - AUG 2015

    Gyro Bias Drift

    ACIS-S and HRC Celestial Location Monitoring

    Science Instrument Positional Change Monitoring

    The following plots are the difference between coordinates obtained from Chandra observations and those obtained from existing catalogs vs time in day of mission.

    The following steps are taken to generate these plots.

    The large dispersion around DOM ~ 2400 (Jan 2005) are all due to none grating Capella observations. Many observations are off-axis observations (e.g., obsid 6558).


    Radiation History

    Radiation Zone Timing

    Plotted below are radiation zone timing plots based on the following definitions of radiation zone:

    Radiation Count Rates of Aug 2015

    Sun Spot History



    Quarterly Trends

    Envelope Trending

    OBA Heater

    PCAD Temperature


    Spacecraft Motions

    TSC and FA Cummulative Moter Distance

    HETG and LETG Cummulative Insertion Counts

    HETG/LETG Insertion/Retraction Angle

    Reaction Wheel Rotations


    Links to Past Monthly Reports

    Back to SOT page

    If you have any questions about this page, please contact swolk@head.cfa.harvard.edu.